Anyways... with Luke not only being my Beta, but also my best friend, I had told him the instant he followed me to the woods where I went to calm down. The conversation went a little something like this:

       "Niall, just stop for a minute and calm down, what the Hell is going on with you?" Luke said in a panicked voice, gripping my arm to force me from heading off farther into the woods and making me face him.

For about 10 minutes I couldn't even answer him, my entire being clung to only thoughts of Her... Her hair, Her eyes, Her voice, Her lips, Her laugh, Her face, Her... just Her. Luke began to get more anxious by the second, pacing in front of my blank gaze.

Just as he started to shake my shoulders, I came out of it enough to softly say the only name my thoughts could comprehend. "Savanna Locklear," ...a huge grin forming on my face as soon as the words escaped my mouth, the blissful feeling radiating throughout me.

Luke stared at me like I had lost my mind, "Savanna? What about her? What did she do?" He questioned quickly.

Believe it or not, just at the simple action of him asking one too many questions about her, just from him saying her goddamn name... my wolf made me growl possessively at him. She was mine...

Luke quickly took his hands off my shoulders, "What is wrong with you?! You're acting like she's your fucking mate or something ridiculous like that! Now snap out of it, you're freaking me out..." He whimpered at the end, confused as he took several steps away from me.

Thankfully, the fog that surrounded my brain cleared up and I shook my head in disbelief, "Luke....she, she's....I.....I just...." I paused, taking a deep breath before trying again," S-She is m-my mate."

He stared at me with me most absurd look on his face. Then, without another word, he drug me to my car, shoving me inside before I could protest and stealing the keys from the hoodie pocket. I was in literal shock over whatever the hell was going on. I went over everything that I was feeling and thinking and nothing was making sense. That is, except for one thing, and that was the fact that when Savanna did turn sixteen, everyone has d*mn neared guaranteed that she'd wake up lusting for Mason fucking Lockwood, not Niall Horan.

I had to bite my lip from whimpering at the thought. 'But, she's mine' I thought sadly to my wolf, looking to him for help. He simply whined with me, not wanting to achknowledge my thoughts.

Luke drove me to my house and shut the engine off once we were parked in the large drive way. He sighed and looked over at me but I couldn't match his worried face, I was too frightened at what was happening. " Care to ellaborate a little?" He questioned cautiously.

I shook my head, " I don't really know how.... I just want it to go away." I told him, my breathing quick and uneven.

He chuckled a bit and it offended me slightly until he said , " Why?! Savanna Locklear's your mate, why the hell would you wish that away?!"

...Typical Luke, always the optimist. I normally was too, but he obviously wasn't up to parr yet with the logic I had came to a conclusion with.

" Luke..... she's not my mate, she's Mason Lockwood's.... everyone knows that." I explained to him, and my wolf growled at me for actually letting these words spill out of my mouth.

" Oh come on, don't be dumb! That's gotta be a bunch of bullshit, I mean, Mason Lockwood turned sixteen three months ago and he didn't have a fu*king mental breakdown and grow feelings for her-"

"That's because it's not supposed to happen like that! They're the normal ones, they're meant to be,I'm what's not right! I'm all fucked up Luke! I don't know what the Hell is up but ... you know what they say. Wolves.. they die without their mate! I'll be dead in two years tops and I'll never even be able to know what it's like to have her!" I cried out to him, tears flooding my cheeks.

His eyes widened at my words and most likely at my vulnerability, I was his Alpha, and here I was in hysterics.

"Just, just g-go back to school, I need to be alone." I told him, stumbling blindly out of my car from the hot tears.

"What? No! That's the last thing that you need to be right now, I'm staying h-"

"Go to school Lukas... NOW" I ordered him in my Alpha timbre' so he couldn't refuse me again. I feel guilty about it now, I rarely ever used my Alpha voice and never at him when I did.

He stared at me helplessly, but not being able to disobey me, started the car and slowly drove away.

And so that's how I discovered I was plagued to Hell unless someone woke up on December 1st wanting no one other than me... helluva love story, right?

Even now, every day the feelings and wanting of her grew more and more inside me. What could be worse? I was around her constantly... I shared nearly every class with her except for PE and history. Then there was the fact that Luke and Jeska were mated, and with Jess being Savanna's best friend, I spent a lot of time after school around her too. Thankfully, I was able to mostly push away the negative of the situation when I was around her and let myself just enjoy it. Just hearing her talk was captivating to me and her scent alone drove me mad.

Wondering why I don't tell her? Because, not only would she most likely not believe me, but she'd think I was simply lieing to impress her like every other neanderthal that wanted her as their mate. And besides if she did believe me, it would just make it that much harder for the both of us when she woke up wanting Mason, she'd pity me and I'd probably have to commit suicide to keep myself from a long, painful death. Fu*king peachy....

* Okay, so this should explain a LOT and with that being said, hopefully isn't confusing! I LOVE writing this though, i've just been so so giddy since I started it last night!

*Niall is supposed to seem like's he's very pessimistic and depressed, I mean, just look at his situation! Anyways, he'll be going on a roller coaster of a ride with his emotions... and hopefully they'll come to a peak on December 1st!(that's Savanna's Birthday by the way)

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