Long Distance Relationship pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Goodluck Louis!" You wished him.

"Thank you, call you later. Love you," he kisses his phone to virtually kiss you.

"I love you too." You replied back and you hung up.


A week have passed, meaning your exams are about to come up real soon and you're studying really hard. Louis doesn't contact you that often but you still keep in touch, you still text him. You understand though, because their schedule is really hectic but that's alright with you because you have time to study.

Today after classes, you went to the cafe with your bestfriend. You decided to go out for a bit without worrying your exam so you can relax for awhile.

"How's your boyfriend's world tour?" your bestfriend asks while sipping her drink.

You smile, "amazing. I watched a few of their recent concerts online and Louis looks really happy on stage."

"Wow, you really are a supportive girlfriend. You really do love him, eh?" Your bestfriend nudges you.

You laugh, "I guess you can say that." and she laughs with you.

You check your phone if Louis texted you but there is nothing.

"No replies?" She peeks through your phone.

"Yeah, he's really busy." You say and put your phone back your pocket.

"But you still manage to keep in touch right?"

You nodded, "well it's kinda difficult these past few days though because they have such hectic schedules."

"Well, that's part of dating a big popstar." She says and you agree.

You chat for a little bit with your bestfriend until you both decided to go home. On your way home, you text Louis once again.

To: Louis

- I'm on my way home. What are you doing? Text me back when you read this okay? Ily. xx

A day have passed and he's still not texting you. You contact him but his phone seems turned off.  You were starting to get really worried because you know it's his day off and tomorrow's their next concert.

You decided to contact Niall because he's the one who you're most close to within the others from the band and after a few rings he pick up.

"Hello?" He says.

"Thank God, Niall. It's me (Y/N)," You say.

"Oh hey (Y/N). Why did you call me?" He asks.

"I was calling Louis but he's out of reach and he wasn't texting me since yesterday. Is he okay?" You ask.

"Uhmmm," Niall slurs, "he's fine."

"Can you tell me  where he is? I'm just really worried." You say.

Niall didn't respond for a while.

"Hello, Niall?"

Niall sighs, "sorry (Y/N) but I can't tell you."

"Can't tell me what?" Now you're really confused.

"I-I need to go." and he hangs up.

You're starting to get really uneasy about the situation but you tried to remain positive.

You decided to go online and look for updates. You log into Twitter and was surprised because you have many notifications.

And also, a hashtag in the trending list caught your eye: #ElounorGetsBack.

You nervously click on the hashtag and you regret clicking it after you saw everything.

There are hq pictures of Louis and Eleanor, his ex-girlfriend, in an airport. They're holding hands, and even matching outfits.

Your heart feels like it's been stabbed many times.

You can't believe what you're seeing but you tried to think and hope that these are old pictures even before you and Louis started dating.

But no, even the Louis update accounts posted those, and those are just captured today.

You saw an article of The Sun about the hashtag and you know you're going to get really hurt but you clicked on it.

"Wow! Louis Tomlinson looks like he gets back with former girlfriend, Eleanor Calder! What has happened to (Y/N) and him?" is the introduction of the article.

You continue to read the article, "It seems like Louis started to follow Eleanor on instagram later this week and after that, she followed him back. Louis and his recent girlfriend (Y/N) looks like fading apart because of their world tour and the long distance relationship. Eleanor and him were seen online liking each others posts and even yesterday were seen in a party of their mutual friend talking and looking really happy. Confirming their relationship, today they're seen holding hands and matching outfits....."

You stopped to read the article because you can't read it anymore. Your heart feels like it's been stab a million times by a sharp knife

You feel your tears burning on your cheeks.

"I guess LDRs don't really work," You feel your chest tightens, "it hurts."

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