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Claire's POV

It was my first day at Lake View High School and I was so excited. New faces. New me. But apart of me was anxious. What if people judge me for what I wear? I shouldn't be too worried right?

Today I decided to wear a black galaxy shirt with gray jeans and my blue vans. I don't usually wear dresses, just not the type to wear them. Only on special occasions I would.

After I got dressed I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I made a smoothie, because it saves time in the morning. My mom was already dressed in her uniform for work and I must say she looks pretty good today.

"You ready?" My mom asks.

"Yeah," I nod, clasping the drink in my hand, "let's go." I say as I grab my bag, heading out.

After my mom dropped my off, the England breeze cooling my skin as I walked. The sky was it's usual gray, but I always liked it, it gave the scene more of a winter look.

I begin to walk toward my first class which was math.

Ugh math, what a great way to start off the day. I mentally told myself.

I hate sitting in the front and the back is too far away so I sit in the middle. I was a couple minutes early so I took out what I needed. As soon as the bell rang I saw people walking in. A group of guys catches my eye and they all sat in the back, talking to each other. Who are they?

The teacher walks in and silents the class.

"Hello name is Ms. Lin and welcome to math." She says with a smile.

Well she seems nice, for now. From past experience, most of my math teachers are nice on the first day and the rest of the says they are like devils.

"I'm sorry if I get your name wrong so please bear with me." Ms. Lin says.

She began calling names and five names stood out to me.

"Niall Horan." She calls.

"Here." an Irish accent calls back and I turn around, the boy had blonde and dark brown hair and blue eyes that were staring back at me.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" He says, the tone in his voice was annoyed by me. What did I do?

"N-nothing." I said and turned back around. I heard him talking and laughing with his friends and I know that they're talking about me.

"Zayn Malik."

"Here." a voice says behind me, I don't bother looking back. But his accent is kinda unique. Actually I'm kinda scared to.

"Liam Payne."

"Here." My mind automatically goes to judging his voice. He seemed nice, but you never know.

"Harold Styles."

"It's Harry." The male says, a scoff escaping his lips. My anxiety lever increases and my mind is begging for this day to be over already.

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Here." A different male says, his voice sounding a but more peppy and cheery.

Ms. Lin finally finished calling out the names, which took half the class so she decided that we could have the rest of the time off. And of course the class was pretty happy so everyone began listening to music and created conversation.

"That Claire kid is annoying." I heard Niall say, I'm so tempted to turn around but I just listen facing forward.

Or eavesdropping. My subconscious tells me. I know it's rude to eavesdrop but they were talking about me and I did have a right now know what they were talking about.

"I don't know man, you only said one sentence to her." I hear the voice with the unique accent says. I think it was Zayn.

"Well I don't like her either." I think Harry said that.

Tears begin to welt up at my eyes at their comments about me. How can they be so rude to someone that don't even know?

As soon as the bell rings, I gather my stuff and run to the bathroom. I quickly push open a stall door, drop my things, and silently cry, buying my face into my hands.

Why don't they like me? I've never even met them before. This day is just getting better and better.

The classes were pretty boring, I couldn't stop thinking about what Niall and Harry said about me. Turns out that I had them in every class which is pretty weird to me.

Last bell rang to go home, snapping me out if my thoughts as I packed my stuff up. I was so happy to leave this place and crash into my bed and sleep. Just as I'm about to head out, a hand grips my forearm, causing me to halt.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harry asks and I turn around. His piercing green eyes were staring intensely into my dark brown ones as he griped my forearm, his bicep flexing.

"Home." I bluntly say. It's not like I'm going to the moon or anything, what does he expect?

The way his arm increase purse sure into my arm causes me to wince.

Okay. Ow. Tears start to form at my eyes as he stares at me.

"Don't use that tone with me." He growls, dragging me onto the floor, causing all of my books to fall out of my bag in the process.

"Have fun picking all that up." Zayn sneers and the rest of them chuckle. I watch as the four walk away, but Harry is last to go. I watch him crouch down to my level, an emotionless expression etched on his face, until he smirks.

"This won't be the last time." Harry says, standing back up, and begins to walk away from me.

My legs carried me all the way home, with hands I slam the front door, not caring if it's loud or not.

What did I do to make them so angry at me? Looking down, I stare at the grip marks that were left by Harry, making me frown.

"This won't be the last time." Harry's voice says, ringing in my head. I know that he wasn't joking by the way he was staring at me, this will not be the last time.



Hi, so this chapter/part is kind of where the bullying started its not where the story begins if that makes sense.

I might post chapter one today or tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

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