"Yeah guys and then Daniel becomes Alpha." I stated. Where have all of their minds been.

"Wow this school year went by mighty fast."

Emily screamed "Oh tomorrow were going dress shopping Taylor."

"Ok sure it should be awesome to do that."

Every one left and it was just me and Daniel. We'll if this isn't awkward at all.

"Umm Taylor can I ask you something."


"Wou...would you want to go on a date with me?"

"Yes! I would what should I wear."

"Just casual."

"When are we leaving."

"In a hour and thirty minutes."

"Ok bye see you later."

I ran up the stirs and mind linked Emily.

'Get up here know I have a casual date to get ready for.'

Next thing Emily came barging threw the door.

"Get in the shower now and I will plan your outfit."

I went to the shower and closed the door. I scrubbed my body and used my brown sugar body wash. I just hope that Emily doesn't go over board with this date.

I got out and wrapped a towel around me and Emily pushed me down on a chair facing the wall.

"Uh can I at least put some clothes on Emily."

"No I don't want to mess them up so shut up while I do your hair."

So I sat their and let Emily pull my hair. I wonder what she was doing because it really hurt she brushes really hard.

"I think you might have pulled my hair out Emily."

"No I didn't if you don't want me to burn you with this curling Iron I suggest you be quiet."

Few minutes later Emily shouted. "I'm done!"

"Now for make up close your eyes."

I closed them and thankfully she went soft on my eyes.

"Now I got you some black skinny jeans and a red tank top and black converses."

"Wow thanks but I don't own a red tank top."

"Ohh I know all of these are my clothes."

"Oh ok" I walked to my closet with the clothes and put them on.

As soon as I walked out she put a black headband on my head and clapped.

"Ahh you look perfect now."

Thanks I looked at the clock and I'm late.

"Uhh didn't he say in a hour and thirty minutes Emily."

"Yeah why."

"It's been two freakin hours!"

I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs and Daniel was playing a video game with my brother.

"Glad to see you can entertain your self." I chuckled as he stopped playing.

He turns around and smirks. "We'll I figured you would be a while."


"Yeah let's go."

He walked me to the car and whispered in my ear." You look beautiful."

I blushed "Thanks."

We got in the car and then I remembered where are we going.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a Surprise."


Ok guys I decided to update early because today was my last day in school. I found out my finals grades and they were AWSOME except history but that's ok almost the whole class bombed that test. Oh ya and today I just feel so happy gonna miss all my friends and on totally got 13 likes on Instagram! I record is 23 but yay! I know I'm crazy hoped you like this chapter.

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