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Name: Zander Noel

Age: 19

Height: 6'3"

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: He tends to be curious, most likely stalking something that would interest him. He'll be playful most of the time, when he's comfortable with someone, teasing and such.

Likes: Teasing, New things, Running, and Nature.

Dislikes: Meat, Disrespect, Hunters, and Not being able to see or control things.

Background: When he was a cub, his parents were killed by hunters. He escaped them, due to one being a bit soft hearted. He ran deep into the forest, getting rid of the hunters, who went after him. He was found by a young women, who was taking samples of plants and studying them. She raised him, until he was 15, and she died of a disease. He now, since then, lives in the forest.

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