Chapter 12

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It's been 5 minutes and everyone was still shocked, joe walked towards the note and it read "good luck getting her back! ~C" "UGH!" Joe said in annoyance as he scrunched up the jet and lead himself out the door, we all followed him to see where he was going.
we were in another apartment block and I noticed this is caspar's room...Without hesitation joe banged on the door until he opened it "oh guests!!" He said faking his happiness.
"Oh shit up we know you have Zoe!" Alfie demanded, him and jack barged in through Caspar and found Zoe tangled up in ropes and tape around her mouth to prevent her from screaming "I GOT YOU ZOE!" Alfie sighed in relief in her ear. She was crying as her head bowed against Alfie's chest...Caspar didn't look back but kept staring at me, I gave him dirty looks but he didn't stop.
It was 20 minutes after and me and y'n went back to the apartment leaving everyone else.."'s been a while.." she sighed. I pulled her closer by the hips and hugged her "are you sure?" She don't hesitate but started to kiss me" LET YOUR IMAGINATION FLPW AFTER THAT😉

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