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Ch. 4

It's the last hour before the diner closes. It's close to midnight. The bell chimes by the door, and immediately my eyes pop open. I quickly smile, trying to hide my exhaustion. I step up as the boy sits at the counter. He looks at me in the eye. For a moment I freeze, my step falters as I see bright blue eyes staring at me. He cocks his head to the side in question. I use my bangs to shield my eyes as I finish making my way over to him.

"Well hello, sir. Anything I can get you to drink or eat?" I quickly ask. My words jumble slightly and I curse myself. I don't understand why I feel so nervous. I quickly blank out my heart and make eye contact with the piercing eyes of the boy. His head still tilts in question, but lifts in a confident way.

"Black coffee, and to eat, why don't you just surprise me." His tone wasn't flat, but also told me nothing about him. He's strong, his physical appearance not denying the same strength in his tone. I bring him his coffee with no delay. For what he wants to eat, the obvious choice would be a burger and fries. Looking at the way he's eyeing the stove, I realize it's what he expects. I place an order in for one of our more secretive items.

Pop quickly gets to work, instead of watching the griddle top, I realize he is watching me. He sends me a genuine smile, as if he has figured something out about me. My knees shake slightly, so I take a seat. The boy is attractive, styled short brown hair, strong masculine features, clear blue eyes that lack full expression, thick well worked arms, tight thighs, and a wide stomach with a clear layer of muscle.

The order bell dings at the same time as the door. I grab the hot plate a slide it over to this oddly perceptive boy. A wide smile dawns his face, in surprise. He obviously wasn't prepared for this surprise, but it pleases him. For some reason, there is a flutter in my stomach. A brown blob crosses my peripheral. Arms loop around my waist. My breath stops for a moment as I chant in my head to calm down.

Mystery boy is calm, gauging my reaction. A kiss is softly placed on my neck and I shiver. It's my weak spot. I step back, flashing a smile to the boy before turning around and seeing Micha. I slap him on the shoulder and frown at him. "You can't do that while I'm working." I harshly whisper to him, fist clenched in frustration at being aroused in front of a stranger.

"Why not? You know you liked it." Micha tried to defend himself as I glare at him softly. I wipe the glare off my face, he didn't mean in. I shake my head and grab the coffee pot, refilling the boy's cup. He eyes Micha, sizing him up. Micha has wide shoulders, thin medium-length light brown hair, extremely expressive caramel eyes, and lightly tanned skin. The boy is about an inch or so taller, and he smirks, knowing it.

Why is it all these boys smirk? Micha, looks at the boy, not in challenge but in question. Neither of us know who he is. Micha looks at the boy's plate in acknowledgment. Upon seeing the breakfast casserole I had made earlier, that Pop simply baked. Surprise lit up Micha's face. Very few know I cook, or that this is even an option on the menu when I'm working. Micha nods his head at the boy in approval, agreeing with his taste.

I make breakfast casserole of a layer of homemade hash, sausage, scrambled egg, peppers, onions, and topped with a layer of crispy bacon. Micha quickly rummages through the kitchen trying to find some. The boy looks at me, searching for a name tag, that he's not going to find. He pays me in cash, leaving a generous $20 tip for a $5 bill. As I clean down the counter, I notice a napkin, signed is a number and his name.

Nikkolihas (Nick-Oh- Lie- As) Peters, I've never heard of him, which is wierd. I know most people in this town, and I've never heard such a name cross any mouths here. You would think by his name he would be Russian, but there is nothing evident in his feature that would suggest that to me. Micha comes up behind me, and I flinch as hand catch my side view. I jump quickly out of the way, my heart pounding. "I swear Thump, you are so jumpy." He says in annoyance. I shrug my shoulders with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, it's late at night. I worry." I quickly dismiss his silent question. Peaking at the clear door, I see Nikkolihas. He simply winks at me and shakes his head at Micha, who doesn't see. Micha kisses my neck and whispers that he should get home before school tomorrow. "Why'd you come back?"

"I came to see you of course." He winks and I chuckle before he shakes his head. "Sam left her SD card under the table, I volunteered to get it for her. Gave me a good excuse to come and see you." I forced a blush up my neck to my cheeks. He simply smirked and poked my nose. "Save me some breakfast casserole next time." He winks before picking up the SD card and heading out. I begin to flip chairs back onto tables, and wipe them down. I wish he would have stayed to help.

I tuck the napkin into my apron. Nevermind.

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