ch. 2

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Chapter 2
"Finally Lunch!" I shriek out of the Latin classroom. I dramatically exit and strut towards my group across campus, eliciting giggles from freshman girls. Suddenly, arms slip around my waist, and I shout loudly. The hand covers my mouth and I bite down, tears welling in my eyes.
"Shhhh. Bun, it's just me." Micha whispers in my ear as I continue to hyperventilate. "Did you really have to bite me?" I giggle slightly, choking back sobs. I swallow the bitterness in my throat and project a smile, turning around to give him a hug.
"Yes, I did! You scared me!" I pout innocently trying to calm my heart, and hide my face behind my bright red hair. All he does is laugh, and flicks my ear.
"Scaredy cat, let me make it up to you." He grabs my hand and leads me toward our group sitting along a support beam in the courtyard. I plop down, hard, wincing as my butt burns from the harsh drop. Eli rolls their eyes, and smirks at me, watching Micha rummage through his back. Suddenly, he passes me a bottle of Caramel Starbucks Coffee.
I'm shocked. I love coffee, but why would he go out of his way to get me some? My eyes widen, in deep confusion, before a smile bursts out on my face. "Thank-you!" I shout, the incident of him scaring me long forgotten as I jump into his lap, wrapping my arms around him. I struggle to open the coffee, and begin to get frustrated. Eli looks expectantly at Micha, but he's too busy laughing at me to help. She knows, this gesture warms my heart. I had a wierd feeling she set this up. But, I'm not going to complain. Coffee is my largest addiction.
I finally get the lid open, splashing a bit of coffee on my lap. "So messy." Micha shakes his head, and wipes the dribble of coffee off my chest. I lean in slightly, showing off my C cups. If you got it, flaunt it! He gulps slightly, as I tilt my head toward him. Silence rattles across my group as I take a sip of coffee and wink. Eli bursts into laughter as I just peck his nose. His nose scrunches.
He wraps his arm around my waist, move his lips towards my ear. "That wasn't very nice." He quietly whispers in my ear as I shake gently.
"So what are you going to do about it?" I easily challenge him, raising my eyebrows in question. Eli looks at us, taking the exchangee in. She signs to me to make a move. I ignore her. See, Eli is fluent in sign language. I'm not that great, but I understand a lot. Micha is fluent too. I guess he picked up what Eli signed to me, because suddenly I was picked up off the floor.
I begin to kick relentlessly, fear driving into my heart. Micha puts me down once we reach the back of the building. Like a hyped up bunny,, I bounce on my feet, ready to run. "Bunny, calm down. We need to talk." He places an arm against my biceps. I stop bouncing, only seeing the annoyed expression in his eyes. "What are you doing?" I'm too confused to answer. "You keep flirting and making a show, it's embarrassing me." Frustration seeps into my expression. Obviously, he feels my hostility, since he takes a step back.
"I clearly like you! I have shown you the signs. You obviously don't feel the same way, because you have done nothing about it." I pop, like the tab of a soda can. He smirks. He expected this reaction, and it bothers me.
"I never said I don't feel the same way." He wraps me in a hug. I want to smile but I'm so mad. My hands shake so I clench then into fists. I put a bright smile on my face and turn around. He puts an arm around my shoulder as we walk back to Eli.
She signs to me, asking if I'm okay. I reply that I'm great and flash a smile. He's a good guy....I should like him. He should make me happy....right?

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