Part of your world

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Haru's P.O.V.

Ever since i had the first time to swim free with Makoto I got attatched both with the water and him, I wonder if i had to tell him how i feel, how would i repay him for all that he's done for him. Im thinking too much.. I though for my self as i submerge myself to the bathtub. Later on i heard Makoto came into my house. His footsteps are getting louder and louder as he opened the bathroom's door. "Ah! Haru... we have to go to school." He whined as he reach out his hand for me to get up. I did that, Makoto turned into a strawberry coloured face. "Ha-Haru?! Y-you're naked?!" He said while covering his strawberry coloured face.Obviously did he forgot? I thought for my self of how he's so forgetful..

{flashback to yesterday}

"Nagisa-kun you'll.... restrain your self..." he struggled as he tried to carry Nagisa to his back.
Nagisa invited me to the kareoke even if i didnt want to... but i have to or his mouth wont shut up, Makoto didnt come with us though, he said he had to babysit his little brother and sister. Now im stuck with both of these guys. Nagisa got drunk that's why Rei was carrying Nagisa to his back, he was holding a strawberry juice can, swaying it all over Rei's face, I tried to help him, but little did i know Nagisa dumped the whole strawberry juice in me, Rei apologized instead of him. Nagisa passed out to the cold floor... i got home and took a hot shower. Before going to bed I called Makoto to let him know that i will not wear a swimsuit tomorrow because thats my last clean swimsuit that i have i have to borrow one of his...

{end of flash back}

"Makoto your face is red..." i just stood there seeing Makoto adjust himself.
"Makoto?" I called out for him as he just stood there...
"It used to be so small.." he mumble whispher it, i blushed a little.
"W-what?!" I stuttred.
Makoto panicked then "Ah! D-did i said that out loud?! Sorry!" He bowed infront of me as an apology.

I got of the tub and got closer to him. "H-haru?" I got closer and closer Im not thinking straight why? I thought for my self as I let my lips be connected with Makoto's. We serparated later on to breath. "H-haru?!" I kinda panicked as i just let my self fall infront of him, I knew he's going to catch me. "I like you Makoto.." I whispered to him, he hugged me "H-Haru I like you too!" He hugged me tighter "M-Mako your squeezing me..." he pulled away "Ah! Sorry sorry!".

After all that awkward silence took over. "Hey Haru.." "What?" "C-could you kiss me again?" I didnt hesitate and do it as he pleased, this time its more longer and passionate. Im glad. I said again for myself. He pulled yet again away "Its so funny Haru.. I've thinking to confess to you also, what a coinsidence huh?" He said "Yeah.." i paused for a while. "Let's go to my room." "Eh?! But school??" "Never mind school.... j-just take my..... v-virginity already...." i said in embarrasment.

{le time skip}

Makoto's P.O.V.

"Haru, Haru are you sure about this?" I asked him first before I start to pump both our member together. "Yes..p-please hurry.." he whisper moaned. I can't.. I cant hold back anymore. I thought for myself as i started to pump both our members. After a short while I can hear Haru's sweat sounds echoing around the room. My hearth keep thumping different rhythms as I continue to pleasure our selves "M-Mako im close ahn~!" Haru moaned out. "Haru? Are you okay?" "F-fine.." he said between pants. "Hey Haru" "Yea-" I cut him off with a passionate kiss. "Mako?" Haru put up a questioned and worried look on his face when my tears pours down. "Ah... sorry Haru its just im so happy, to be with you always." I replied continuing to sob like a big baby. I dont mind, as long as its Haru. "Makoto, you have always been part of my world.." he said to me as I let him dry my tears up and kiss my cheek. After cleaning up we decided to sleep under the starry night. I will always remember this.

A/u: Gomenasai I forgot I publish this I must have publish it my mistake I was still suppose to edit and think about how this story is going to continue. Im sorry, im deeply sorry! I'll try to update more often, and make my chapters longer.

Ps. Sorry Im not best at doing smut, im sorry again.

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