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Dedicated to @firehawk_sapp who added my book to their reading list and made me laugh.

(Cause I read it like "I'm still waiting for an update" and I laughed and smiled because it sounded kind of passive aggressive in my head and yeah okay I'll excuse myself.)

  Annie fell asleep warm in Calum's embrace, her mind slowly being emptied of thoughts of the future, and being fully consumed with the idea of now; the idea of her and Calum, in bed, in the silence, comfortable in the warmth of another person who loved them and cared for them- safe

  It was the type of sleep that was completely dreamless, half awake and aware, but mostly resting, completely relaxed. For a few hours the entire world was gone, and it was just the room they were in- nothing more, nothing less. 

  The morning light woke them up before any alarm could. They sat up in silence, relaxing against the soft pillows. 

  They half laid half sat for an infinite time, just relaxing until they decided it was time to get up. 

  Annie tried to go slowly- she really did- but it wasn't her fate to have an easy, simple day. The sleep was almost a break, preparing for hardships ahead. 

 The illusion of being safe from the rest of the world was shattered when Annie opened her phone to find the dozens of Twitter notifications. 

  "Oh no." 

  michael michaelford has been tagged in a tweet by 'Emma Greene'.

  Emma Greene (certified)

  'Nothing like watching the stars with my bae @ Michael michaelford. Best boyfriend ever!'



  Annie went over to Johanna's apartment, not because she wanted to, but because she was afraid Johanna may actually commit homicide. 

  "I hope her stupid green hair falls out," Johanna spat. "I hope she chokes on her salads and dies a horrible, ranch-y death."

  "She doesn't eat ranch," Annie commented without thinking. "Too high fat." 

  "Fuck her," Johanna growled, pacing the floor. "Fuck her so hard."

  "I think Mikey's already doing that." 

  "How dare she? These things take time, she had to do the interview with you and Kennedy, she isn't a good applicant, this is going to be a disaster!" 

  Annie scratched behind her ear. The apartment still reeked of coffee, though Johanna had insisted she'd switched over to water. 

  Yeah, well Johanna was a liar.

  The one thing that seemed to make Johanna feel better was that Kennedy had to deal with it. "She's going to crash and burn. What plans has she made so far for recovering from this?" 

  Annie blinked. "She hadn't made any plans." 

  "Ooo, she's slow." 

  "No, she's just not making any plans. I texted her earlier, apparently it's no big deal."

  Maybe Johanna really did stop drinking coffee. Withdrawal would be a great explanation for the string of cuss words that left her mouth then. 

  Annie went red in the face. "Johanna, that was... particularly vulgar."

  "Oh, fuck you too. The entire band is ending. No, the world-" 

  It's too bad Johanna didn't have a flair for drama. 

  Johanna may have been vulgar, and unempathetic, and slightly cruel, but on the bright side she was probably the only person who disliked Emma more than Annie.

A/N: Not my best work, I'll admit it. Was it okay?

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