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Ok so it is January 5 and I am currently on the bus to school. Grey gave me my first hint just now.




Sooooo.......what about that hint? ;-)

Ugggghhhhh do I have to????


Ok fine gimme a sec.


 Not only do you know her, you see her every day.


What about my hint!!????

You see him every day.

You can't just give me the same hints as I give you.

Who says I can't?? 


Ya whatever, I have to go, see ya, Grey.

See ya, Autumn.

So ya, he will either find out who I like or he will never know. Honestly, I am scared to find out who he likes. She is probably some popular stuck up bitch..............what is wrong with me? First I start hating my father and now this.

Anyways, yes I like him and there is only a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance he likes me so it's hopeless. He likes someone else and I am falling in love with him, great. I just can't believe that he is so amazing and is my friend, he is the best thing I have right now.......and I am keeping what happens from him...........wow........I really need to think this through, he needs to know what goes on.

He knows nothing about my dad yet and nothing about how I have been getting the living shit beat out of me every day. But how am I supposed to tell him that, who knows how he will react. He is already scared of me getting hurt from falling down, what would he do if he knew I was getting my ass kicked by the populars?

I seriously need to figure this out...........he needs to know eventually. I just feel bad because he has no other friends in the school, he keeps to himself and if one day he actually starts hanging out with me at school then the other friends would leave..........he does it so he doesn't get hurt..........that's why he keeps to himself......holy shit........

AAAAAAHHHHHGGGG I gtg, the bus is at school I will possible write later on. Thx, bye

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