The Dance

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OK so I get to the school and I find Jailyn sitting in a corner balling her eyes out and Jeffee is hugging her trying to calm her down. Now with her being just like a sister to me of course I ran over to her and kneeled to find out what happened.

"Jai! What is wrong!? Who do I gotta bury!? Who is gonna die tonight!?"


"JAI! God dammit tell me!!!"

She pointed to the entrance of the gym and I finally understood.......I saw Grey standing there with Keke......and they were making out......intensely.

I couldn't take it....I practically stomped over there and I lost my shit.

"What the fuck Grey!?....and Keke....what the hell do you guys think you are doing!? I know I have no say in what you guys do but what the fuck! Grey you pour your heart out to me and then ditch me last minute and Keke you tell Jailyn you were going with her and then stand her up for her brother who stood me up!!! What the fuck is wrong with you guys!?"

I didnt give them a chance to answer that...I was starting to tear up so I stomped back to Jailyn and sat there beside her with my arms around her.......Jeffee saw I was about to cry so he came to the side of me and put his arm around me......I have never cried so much in my life.....but I felt safe in his arms.

After the sob fest was done Jeffee decided that it was time to continue on with the night and got up from the ground

"Alright, I'm not gonna sit here and let you two cry over the wrong people so I vow to make this night the best night ever....for the both of you..."

My heart sank and I'm not sure why...

"How are you gonna do that."

"I have my ways..."

He smirked and my heart about popped.......what's happening to me.......

"Come with me and I can promise you I will try my best to make it up to you for ghosting you these past few years........"

I nodded and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. I winced and he just looked at me confusingly and then his face softened, I swore I could see the light bulb come on.

"Oh Autumn.......I.....I'm sorry.........I understand what that's like........."

He rolled up his black dress shirt sleeves and I saw the lines all along his wrist.....they were everywhere.......I looked up at him and I swear I haven't felt a pain that sharp in my chest ever.


"Don't.....its nothing....I tell you what.....promise me you won't do it again and I will do the same.....okay?"

I looked down, shed a single tear, and nodded. I looked up and I saw him......I actually saw.....HIM.........I don't think there is a better description than that......

I saw him.......the one I have dreamed about who was going to save me from it all....the one who I would give up all the razors and blades for.....the one who was going to always be there...and I saw him......for who he was.....truly......I saw him for who he wanted to be and I saw every emotion he felt.......I saw the whole world in him.......and I felt every emotion all at once.

I looked into his eyes and I swear there was nothing else........I saw everything in those seas of emotion.......I always knew there was something I loved about his eyes......they always showed his real emotions.......and right now those blue irises showed nothing but love......not lust or it was real.

"I know you have been hurt and abused all your life and you know I can't promise that I can fix all that....but if you would please let me try to make it not seem so bad just for tonight......I want to show you that maybe there is something good about this cruel world......if you would please let me......I want to show you how it feels to be truly loved.


I couldn't could I just nodded and then I was smiling as he took my hand and led me to the gym where we didn't actually dance......I mean we kinda did but we mostly talked to friends and I watched Jailyn as she danced with a guy who I later found out was an old friend/crush from elementary years, I watched as they danced and slowly fell in was beautiful....I wasn't paying attention so when I heard a low voice behind me I kinda jumped.

"Hehe, calm down, it's just me"

Jeffee wrapped his arms around me just for a moment before I turned around to face him which was a mistake because my face was a little too close.....

"....well hi..."


He looked at me for what felt like forever and then I realized.......he wasn't looking at me.......he was lost in my eyes.........I mean I was lost in his but I smiled.....a real genuine smile......I felt so happy that I didn't even notice when his soft lips touched mine. When I noticed I kissed him back but it all ended too soon.

".......I'm sorry.......I...."

I shook my head.....I didnt want to hear this.

"Don't..........I loved it......"

I looked down as I said that last part and when I looked back up his face was beet red and then I giggled.....I actually a little child.

" lip rings didn't bother you?"

" didn't even feel them to be honest..."


The rest of the night basically was me obsessing to Jailyn that he kissed me and then we kissed twice after that and after I got all my stuff we kinda made out a bit......I was ready to go but Jailyn wanted a picture of Jeffee and I.

He put his arms around me and hugged me from behind....I was smiling so much and I was so red that I didn't care about how I looked........and in the picture he was only looking at me........

We walked out of the school into the cool night air he hugged me one last time.

"Text me ok."

"Ok, bye, love you."

I didn't even realize what I said at first...when I did I died and my face was redder than ever. I saw him walk back red faced and he came up to me and whispered in my ear something I never thought I would hear him say.

"I love you too beautiful."

Right before he walked away he kissed the top of my head and I was left to stand there and process it all.......

I guess I really did get my happy ending.......and I guess I have found my savior.....he may not be perfect but he is the one.......and I love him with all of my heart and soul.

I am so sorry guys about the random plot twist.....hate me if you want but this is the end of this story. I'm sorry if it sucked and I am sorry about the random twist.

Thank you for all the people who inspired this story and thank you for letting me base this off of us.

You may comment your thoughts and feelings if you wish. See ya guys, love ya <3

Dear Diary,Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora