"Do you think everyone will turn against me?" Stiles asked him. "In the end do you think they'll all hate me. You know when they find out that I was right about the Darach?"

"I don't think they'll hate you," Klaus exclaimed patting her leg. "They're going to begging your forgiveness. You shouldn't grant it to them even if you love Derek. He's not right for you."

"Then who is right for me," Stiles scoffed watching him grin. "You? Ha. We hate each. Just used each other to replace the people who don't want us. We wouldn't be good together."

"You don't know that," Klaus argued shaking his head. "We could try. Especially, for the baby."

"We wouldn't be good," Stiles argued. "No, we wouldn't be. Admit it."

"You could be the queen to my king," Klaus beamed. "We could rule over the quarter. No one would ever cross us out."

"I am so the not right fit for a queen," Stiles retorted. "You could find someone else. I just want to survive this crap, give birth to our daughter and graduate high school. Maybe go to prom."

"I'll take you to prom," Klaus offered. "I won't treat you like my possession anymore. You, I, and the baby can be a family."

"One messed up dysfunctional family," Stiles scoffed earning a scowl from the hybrid. "Don't look at me like that. It's true. Your family is crazy."

"I'll give you that one," Klaus chuckled darkly. "Your family is not much better. A werewolf best friend, a Kanima turned werewolf, a crazy red head who always finds dead bodies and a psychotic ex alpha who is as of right now standing in the woods near your house. Should I kill him?"

"Not yet," Stiles replied then shook her head. "Peter is so not my family. The others yes but not Peter. He's a douche. More so than normal. He told me to back off Jennifer. That she and Derek are perfect together. Perfect for each other. Do you think he's being controlled by magic too?"

"It is possible," Klaus sighed. "But what if this Jennifer promised him something to help her out. What is the one thing he wants?"

"To be an alpha, " Stiles answered. "But who would they want to kill. One of the alpha's? Peter has had the perfect opportunity to become an alpha again. There's a whole pack of them."

"But only one Hale Alpha," Klaus noted and she shook her head mouthing no. "Yes. Peter would want to keep the power to his family. Derek maybe in more danger here than anyone. You'll have to save your boyfriends life."

"One more thing to add to my list," Stiles huffed plopping back on her bed. To her surprise he laid back next to her. "What are you doing?"

"Spending time with you," Klaus answered amusement in his tone. "You're carrying my heir. Plus, I'm going to win your over. This is me trying to do that."

"By laying here next to me?" Stiles inquired cocking her eyebrow at him. "What's that gonna do?"

"Prove that I can stand your presence longer than you think," Klaus admitted shifting his arm and leaning his head on his hand. She mirrored him and lay a hand on her stomach. "Is she still kicking?"

"Yes," Stiles replied feeling the baby's movement. "I love that feeling."

"Really?" He asked moving his left arm toward her. He held it a loft and waited until she nodded. "Oh."

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