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"Are you going to tell him about the incident?" Davina whispered as Stiles sat at the kitchen table the next evening. "He needs to know about it."

"He'll murder everyone," Stiles stated staring at the blonde hybrid in her front room. He was sitting on the couch next to her dad. Both of them looked uncomfortable. "We have to go see the pack. Make sure that everyone is okay. No he has called me. Do you think Derek is angry I accused his so called normal girlfriend of being a murderer?"

"Wouldn't you be angry?" Davina asked as Stiles phone rang. "Who?"

"Hello," Stiles answered it without looking at the caller. "Hey."

"Stiles," Scott's voice yelled. "Dude, you have to get over here like right now. Erica and Boyd are not dead. They just woke up a few hours ago. It was- we don't know what's going on. They're freaking out. Derek is freaking out. I'm freaking out. You need to get over here. Bring Davina and Josh. Wait, is this some kind of spell from Davina? Peter said Ennis is dead. The alpha's are going to be livid. Poor Tara, bro. I heard."

"Calm down Scott," Stiles told him. Had he even taken a breath. "We'll talk more when I get there. I'll bring Josh and Davina."

"Good," Scott said and let out a loud sigh. "I gotta go. Just get over here. Bring snacks. Bye."

Stiles snorted shaking her head at Scott's words. She glanced over at Davina who was frowning at something behind her back. Stiles glanced behind her and gasped when she saw Klaus was standing right behind her. "Holy crap. Don't do that."

"Sorry, Sweetheart" Klaus chuckled leaning down to stare into her eyes. She shivered as their eyes met. "Are you going to see your boyfriend?"

Stiles scowled at him. "I'm going to see my friends. The pack. Erica and Boyd, are alive. We thought the alpha pack killed them. Kali told me that she killed them. We all thought they were dead. They're not though. One of the alpha's is dead. Ennis. Kali will be coming for us."

"Let her," Klaus growled staring at her. "I'll be there to protect you. No one is going to hurt you or the baby. Not while I am here."

"I am liking you more and more," John said walking into the room. "Stiles, what is going on?"

"Erica and Boyd are alive," Stiles answered pushing Klaus back and rising to her feet. "It was Davina's spell that saved them."

"That is great," John grinned widely. "Really great. I'm going to the station. Talk to Parrish."

"Speaking of spells," Klaus piped up. "Little witch, I think that you have something that belongs to me. Hand over the Grimoire."

Davina narrowed her eyes at him and Stiles held her breath but the brunette simply handed the book over to him. He took it from her and grinned tapping it with his fingers. "Thank you, little witch. Now, Hayley I can't let you out of my sight. So, I guess I get to meet your friends? What have you told them about me?"

"Pretty much everything," Stiles responded shuffling around the kitchen loading up a couple of bags with snacks. "Everyone was incredibly nosy. Couldn't believe that I was pregnant. I was a little dorky here."

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