VI - The World

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You Watanabe POV

This princess is much higher than Mari!

"Hey.. Yū" Riko said. "What's.. you're relationship between Satoshi and Yoshiko?" She asked me as she looked at me with that wondered eye.

"Uhm.. we're.. childhood friends, and we're always been together.. And, I feel.. dejected" I said and I'm actually gone upset.
Why.... why would they hide a secret from me?

"Now that I know those two lived in this palace.. I will never forget this memorable thing..." I muttered. Princess understand as she muttered under her breath.

"I wish you were my brother..." She actually meant, she want me to become a prince. I don't know but I heard her talking so I repeat.

"Brother..?" I asked, Riko gasped and her face burnt, furrowed her eyes. "I-It's nothing!!" She was embarass so she walks a bit faster.
Think... You Watanabe..! This is your chance to ask a question!!

We had arrived the next level in the palace which was a hot spring.
"Hime-sama, this place is..."

"Yes... This is the hot spring for only celebraties, but if you want to take a bath you can used this side here" Where she pointed the direction. Why is this the first thing she introduce me here...?

I dont feel like being guiding... hmmm.. Oh?!

"Oh yeah, Hime-sama!!" I shouted then she looks pissed.

"What is it?" She said.

"R-remember I said I was gonna show you throughout the world,?" My voice shaked a little as I noticed the Princess's mood is getting scarier.

That took long for her to answer, then she finally took advantage to grab my arms and ran off.

"H-Hime-sama!!?" I shrieked. "L-Let us go!!" Shs blushed and we finally went out behind the palace. As time has passed, we slowly got jumped down on the ground.

"H-Hime-sama, are you sure it is alright...?" I said while giving her my hand to help her hopped down. She stared at it and pouted. "I...I can hopped by myself.." She muttered and it seems that she's lying. When she hopped down.

She tripped fell down. I manage to caught her before she stumble herself. I hold her waist while the other one touched her shoulder.

Our eyes met at once. Our faces were close too. None of us spoke and gone speechlesss. She's so... prettt when I get close to her.. oh crap.. i cant stop myself!!

I pull her away abruptly and pretending that it wasn't a big deal." are you hurt, princess?" Riko looked down and nodded.
But... I still don't think we need to go at this hour.

"I-I'm fine...I guess" her eyes are wavering it sounded like she couldn't focus on something.

Hmm.. where should I take her first huh...?
"Uhm., Hime-sama what kind of place do you like?" I said.

She prefer the more calming and peaceful, so I brought her up the hill. So we have talk a little after then.
Hime-sama seems to be different now.. is this her now..?

"Hey.. Hime-sama we are almost here" I said. Then she suddenly giving me a quiz.

"This hills we are in, the most intense and unfamiliar place, what do you call this?" She smirked from my back, What man! I'm not that smart! this is bad... i dont know the answer.

"Uhh... i-it's... H-Heia,,,mhilsls?!" I bit my tounge with anxious. Riko giggled cutelt and closed here eyes. I looked at her.

"You will be given a quiz" Riko said and she walk pass me.
I dont wanna!!!

"I came in this place when I was a kid... I remeber now, Yū let's go!! I wanna see the ocean!" She said with an excite, her voice extremely warmth my heart with a cheerful giggle and ran off from the stairs.

I was surprised, I smiled then followed her path. Its a good thing that Hime-sama is so kind!

Riko Sakurauchi POV

I was so excited that I came here again! And it makes me happy that Yū is here to take me. I twirl around to dance a small step from the temple.

"Hime-sama, that dance step-" Yū was surprised.

"Yes! I often saw someone dances like this! Exactly, espicially in our events!" I said, extremely happy.

Its a dancing pair! I've wanted to dance someone with this!

Finally, we had arrived the temple, when I get to see the temple I stared too much that how much it change.
I took the prayer first after I shake the bell. Yū was there behind me.

After I prayed, I went to Yū and desperate. "Come on, Yū! I wanna see the ocean and the sun!" I said while I pull his sleeves. He was flustered.
You don't know, Yū, you are the person who treated me like this!

Afterwards, we finally arrivded the place I wanted to stay!
When I get to see the sunset, and the ocean it waves. Its so beautiful. And I could hear the nature as well. Most of all... everything is pure for me!

"Yū.. I have something to say, you were the first person to ever treat me like this" I said with a smile, would that satisfy him?

"Y-yeah! You were so kind to me too! And I appreciate that.. and.. can I ask something?" He said. I didn't reply.

"Can i be of help some of your family problems..? I kinda want to do something" He said, and I wasn't expecting him to say that.

"Y-You can!! Of course! We would appreciate that!! If you say so... this is an important.. mission from me, Yū" I said, while I fidget.

"What is that, hime-sama?" He asked.

"Please look for the 3rd Princess as much as you want... then, I will let my father evolve you... Like a General or something... 'My Lord' ... ?" I said it even though its forbidden, i forgot it.

"Is that true, hime-sama?! Well then........ Please let me talk to your father!! I have an important question..! About my father.., Let's go back!!" He said in surprised, he immediately run down the hill as i heitate to follow him.

"W-wait a minute, Yū!! You can't yet!!" I shouted.

Aqours -  Damask: Handy Souls [MaleYouxRiko FANFICTION]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin