•Philly Feast Part 2•

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Well crap if the zombie apocalypse and the end of the human race wasn't bad enough. Now I have to deal with crazy people who definitely have a loose screw. Just add it to the list of why life is a asshole. Oh just in case you aren't exactly sure what going on let me catch you up. I was lovely minding my own business, you know braking into a cop car so Addy could contact this Citizen Z guy. When some jack ass decided to hit me and knock me out. They kidnapped me of course. They tied me up and also may I add put this awful smelling bag over my head. So to sum it all up I am about 99.9999999% sure we were FUCKED!!!!!! Oh yeah Addy is Here too.
After about 5 minutes of Addy screaming and going deaf in my left ear, they relieved me from that bag. I swear something died in there. I'm surprised from my surroundings. What I can tell it looks like I'm in a dinning room. I was kinda expecting you now run down warehouse or in the middle of the desert. Like typical horror movie shit.
Well I'll tell You the couple sitting in front of me look like straight out of a slasher movie.

"You're ok, you're safe now. You're safe no ones going to harm you." The man said

Sniff....hummmm what's that smell? Oh yeah that's bull shit. I could tell he was sketchy and the girl next to him wasn't doing him any justice. She looks like she had nothing left. I saw nothing in her. Yep this was the real case of tweedle dee and tweedle dum. "Touch me and I'll kill you!" Addy urgent voice rang in my ears.

I think I might just beat Addy to it.

"Oh sweet child. That won't be necessary. Please the last thing we want to do is hurt you."

"Yeah say that to the bruise on my head ass hole!" I had no time to play nice and cooperate with my captors, I was pissed, hungry, and not in the mood.

"Are friends are looking for us, and when they find us they will kill you. They will kill all of you!!"

Yeah you tell them Addy, one problem how the HELL are they going to find us??

"I get it. You guys don't trust me. Why should you? I know you're not ready to hear this, but I'm going to say this any ways. I'm sorry. "

"Oh wow that just fixes' everything. How awful I've been acting. I shouldn't be rude to the person who fucking just kidnapped me, but hey none of that matters because you just said sorry." Smiled in the most I'm going to kill you in your sleep smile ever. I can't help it is my sarcastic self comes out, it helps me not go bat shit crazy on people.

"Who are you? And what do you want from us?"

Addy always takes the more logical route, when it comes to death and life conversations.

"Fair questions. I'd be angry too if I was brought here against my will."

What you don't say

"Please I don't want to be afraid" I watched him as he crossed the room and sat down in front of a organ. He started playing it, as if this would make all of my worries go away. Well sorry to step all over your dreams Mozart, it ain't happening.

"I... I must apologize for my overzealous companions. They're good man but sometimes we have to resort to less civilized means. We live in a less than civilized world. You know it, I know it. So... when we encounter strangers family needs to take... necessary precautions" Come again. I didn't quite get that, did you say FAMILY!?

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