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I decided it's about time I got up from my death position on my bed and go run some errands. I needed more food in my dorm and living without a roommate meant I was in charge of getting it. I slipped into some sweats and quickly brushed through my hair before grabbing my purse and phone. I opened my door before my foot touched something hard. Huh? I looked down and discovered a box. A box with "Muffin" written on top. Max? I looked around and the halls were empty. I quickly grabbed the box and went back inside. After setting the box on the couch, I grabbed some scissors and cut through the tape.

Upon opening the box up, I came face to face with heaven. Well not heaven, but food. There was packs of Ramen, chocolate, Gatorade, and even some chocolate muffins. The doofus. I had to call him to thank him.

William worked in the office here, and thank god he did. I quickly had him run a search for Muffin's dorm (slightly breaking the rules but it's okay). After getting her address I ran my butt down to the grocery store and entered my new hell. How did I know what to get my sweet muffin? I had no idea what she liked, only that she needed something good. God, what an idiot! I grabbed some of my favorites and a pack of muffins for my muffin before checking out. I tried not to over think my choices and threw it all into a box before writing "Muffin" on the lid.

I quickly approached Muffin's dorm and dropped the box. I reached up to knock before I saw the door knob wiggle. Shit! I don't think I want to meet my muffin like this. I dashed over to a pillar and hid behind it. I faced the door again just in time to see an angel walk out. She was on the shorter side, brown hair messily combed through, and the most prominent freckles I had ever seen. God, she was gorgeous. For a minute it didn't even occur to me that that was her. She was more perfect than I could've imagined. I would never be good enough for her. She picked up the package and moved back inside. I collected my thoughts and left the building feeling crushed. Then, my phone rang.

"Max! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


"This is the bestest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you!"

"Oh, the box? You're welcome, Lia. It was nothing, just thought you'd want some goodies"

"Are you here? Did you just drop the package off? How did you get my address?"

"A magician never tells his secrets. I actually just left the building."

"Uh, you idiot! I want to give you a hug, this was too sweet"

"Not as sweet as you muffin. You're absolutely stunning, you know that?"

"You saw me? You saw me and didn't come say hi? You saw me, like that? Oh god, I look like a wreck. I should've dressed up more I-"

"Muffin, you looked absolutely stunning. Yes, I saw you grab the box. I didn't stay because I kind of panicked. I, I don't know what happened. I wanted to meet you but then I saw you and I, you're perfect and I'm me."

"No, don't talk like that Max. You know what, we're going to meet! I want to meet you because god darn it, I like you"

"You, what?"

MuffinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant