Chapter Seventeen

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"I'll follow you down through the eye of the storm; don't worry, I'll keep you warm."

(Wanda POV)

Oh, Vision.

I look up at the sky, past my wild hair, and imagine him there, lit up by the sunrise, and I don't mind dying. I won't mind hell, if I can go with Vision burned into my eyes.


I close my eyes as the wind whistles past my ears.

My Vision.


Wanda. A sudden scarlet hand catches mine tight. He's there. He's really there, and he pulls me to his chest. His tattered golden cape floats behind him and just touches my bare feet.

"Vision," I whisper. "How?"

"I managed to change my density. Just in time to protect from the bullet, but I wasn't stable in the air when it hit me."

I could almost laugh. "I thought you were-"

"I am not." He smiles.

I suddenly realize. "Vision, you caught me. I told you you would."

"Seems you were right," he says.

We land on the roof of a near building. He gently plucks the black object, some sort of tech, from my shoulder. He crushes it under his boot before kicking it off the edge, down, down, until it hits the pavement. We watch it fall.

He turns back to me and his smile falters briefly. He touches his hand. "What have you done to your hand, my scarlet bird?"

I look down at my glass-cut knuckles and grimace. "Sorry," I say. "I broke the window, to, ah, to get to you."

He takes my hand like a gentleman and kisses the cuts. "Do not do that for me."

I smile, but then shake my head. "I could say the same to you," I tell him. "Idiot android, you could have died."

"Oh my, did I forget to tell you?" he teases. "I am bulletproof."

I smack him on the shoulder, but he only laughs and pulls me into his arms. I let out my breath into his shoulder and smile.

Turning, we see the rest of our team blast through the army below. They're a small army, wearing no uniform, armed with stolen weapons, and, I realize, having none of the power of Thanos, after all.

"We're going to win," I say.

Vision smiles and shakes his head. "Seems you're always right."

And I laugh, harder than I have in a long time, and I can feel something let out of me with that laugh, and a warmth spreads through my chest. I breathe in and look in his blue and gold eyes and then he's kissing me.

He's kissing me. His lips are soft and metallic and it's just as electric as the first time. The battle rages below us, and here we are on this rooftop. Two strange scarlet people, both thinking the same three words, but without a need to say them. Because we already know. I guess, we've always known.

My magic curls around us and his mind stone casts golden light across the whole rooftop, rivaling the sunrise, and I want this moment to last forever.

If I opened my eyes, I might even see the breeze that suddenly ruffles my hair.

Or at least, I would see a flash of silver hair and black jacket, and the blue streak that's left behind in the wind.



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