Chapter Six

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"He wants to say I love you, but keeps it to goodnight, because love will mean some falling and she's afraid of heights."

(Vis POV)

I stand at the window. The tower is silent and still, the city outside blinking and pulsing with life. I am fascinated with the contrast between the inside and the outside. But somehow I prefer the calm of the tower.

I stand contemplating everything for a while. The dark room seems so still, almost like the calm before a storm. Almost like it's ready to become something completely different.

Then I hear a light strumming coming from down the hall, with a soft singing in a strange language that weaves into it. Sokovian words. I drift through the door and follow the sound to Wanda's room, where I step silently through the wall. She is looking down at her fingers on the guitar and does not notice me. She keeps singing, something like a lullaby.

Her hair tumbles over the side of her face and her clear, green eyes are down. Her fingers, decorated with rings and the nails still painted with worn black polish, dance on the strings of the guitar. She has no sheet music; she knows the song by heart. And her voice is light and sad at the same time as she sings in her native language. Her words thread into the notes that she plays, until they end and her voice fades off.

She sits still, staring at the floor. I see a tiny tear appear at the corner of her eye and fall to the dark blanket, where it disappears. She lets her strumming hand rest on the top of her guitar.

I lift my hands and clap softly from the side of the room.

She looks up and smiles just a little. "Hey, Vis."

"Hello, Wanda," I reply. "Your music was beautiful."

Her smile falls. "Our parents used to sing that to us when we were kids."

"You sing it wonderfully," I say. She does. It is beautiful. She is beautiful.

Wanda blushes and fights a smile.

I realize that I have forgotten that she can read my mind. If I was not already scarlet, I would be blushing as well. But at least I made her smile. I love it when she smiles.

Her blush deepens. Oh no. I have done it again.

For a moment there is a bit of an awkward silence. Then I clear my throat. "Well, ah," I try. "Should I - would you like me to leave?"

"No," she says quickly. "You can stay. If you want."

I try to keep from smiling. I fail.

"Of course," I say.

She moves to make room for me to sit next to her. I seat myself lightly on the edge of the bed. She rests both arms on her guitar and tips her head to look at me.

"Thank you," she says. "For everything. The date, and just being here... I mean, you" - she swallows - "you've been nothing but kind to me ever since you were born. Even when everyone else was afraid of me, or when I was... when I was only weighing you down."

I start to object, but she cuts me off.

"The point is, you haven't given up on me." She gives me a smile and takes my strange hand in her own warm, callused one.

That's when all thought leaves me. I should be answering. I should say something. But she is next to me, and looking at me, and her hand is in mine, and I can't think of anything else. How can something so small have such an effect on my mind? I open my mouth, but no words come out. I cannot think of what to say because I am too busy thinking of her. 

Actually, that is a lie. I know exactly what I want to say. I am just afraid to say it. 

So I don't.

She shakes her head and tightens her hand over mine. She leans her head on my shoulder.

My heart is beating too fast. This is not normal. I can feel her heart beating, too, beating strong in time with mine, as if she is my heart, outside my chest. Her body is warm against my side. I lean my head on hers and breathe in the smell of her, like dark chocolate and cinnamon. Without really thinking, I turn my head just the slightest bit and press my lips to the part in her hair. Then again, longer. You are amazing, I tell her. 

I see a tiny smile slide onto her face. It is almost as if she is laughing at me. Oh, Vis. I think perhaps I have made a mistake. 

Then suddenly she turns her head towards mine and catches my lips in hers.


Oh my. 

So this is a kiss. 

My eyes close. Her lips are soft and gentle, and her hand is light on the side of my face. I am not breathing. It feels like a dream. She is kissing me, Wanda Maximoff is kissing me and my heart feels as though it might burst.

She pulls back all too soon. I look at her, still stunned, and she smiles. You dork, she says. If you want to kiss me, you kiss me for real.

Wanda... if I want to kiss you....

I gently touch her cheek, and then this time I kiss her. Her beautiful lips, their every mark and shape perfect. Her beautiful heart is beating hard inside her, beating hard like mine. Her beautiful hand is on the back of my head, holding me close. Her beautiful smile against my own. If I only lived this moment for my entire life, I would want to live forever. 

We pull away, foreheads still touching, and both breathless. Her smile grows as I smooth her hair behind her ear.

Yes, she says. That's it. That is how you kiss.

A/N *dying pterodactyl noises* SCaRLeTViSioN!!!!! i was debating whether to write the real kiss yet but it was like midnight when i did and i'm bad at making decisions so here y'all go! sorry for such a short chapter, thanks for reading!

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