Bring Up Your Other Foot

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Ace got up for the couch and headed upstairs to his room.
"Goodnight, Sage." He said with a yawn. I waved at him, feeling tired myself. It didn't help that I haven't been eating lately. I try to save as much food as I can for them, they don't know how much I have been fasting for them to be more comfortable.

Feeling too lazy to go upstairs to my room, I adjust the throw pillow on the couch and grab the little blanket folded in the corner. I snuggle up and drift of to a quiet sleep.
"Let her sleep, Olive, she's gone on a run every night this week." I can barely hear Ace speak because of how tired I am.

"But Brooke just shit!" At that, my eyes shot open.

"OLIVER!" I yelled, shocked because he never swears. I see Ace in the corner trying to hold in a smirk.

"What it's not like there's any parents here I can offend!" He tries to justify. I know he didn't mean it in an offensive way but my stomach twists at the memory of mom and dad. Seeing my face change, he automatically tries to fix what he said.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, Sage. I just wanted to feel more older." I smiled gently, not wanting him to feel too bad.

"It's just older, bud, not 'more older' and it's ok. I'm not mad, just don't swear, you wouldn't want it to be Brooke's first word, would you?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Speaking of which, Mom started talking to Olive around this age to teach him some words. Do you think we should do that for her?" Ace interjected. We decided that we were going to do our best to home school her as if she were getting an actual education. Not that it would benefit her right now, but hopefully the older kids will eventually try to re-create some order.

"Yeah, I think she kept some of the alphabet books in Brooke's closet." I started to get up, and took her out of Olive's hands. He still had trouble with the safety pins on the clothe diapers we had to make for Brooke.

"I'll get them!" Oliver says excitedly, now that he doesn't have to change her mess.

I roll my eyes and take her to the couch, Ace throws me a clothe diaper, but since I was holding her, it hit me right in the face.

"Really, asshole!" I say annoyed.

"Ah, ah, ah, no swearing." He corrects while I roll my eyes.

After she's changed I go to the kitchen with Ace after placing her on the floor with her blanket.

"How are we going to make this "breakfast-y" for him?" Ace asked while staring at the canned food in front of him. Olive is a picky eater and we have to make the food different so he will actually eat it.

"Well, I honestly think we should wait until lunch to feed him. I'm not sure what I'm going to find out there, if anything. The houses may already be raided." I say, suggesting that we should save as much as we can just in case.

He nods his head in understanding and I head upstairs to change. It's still pretty cold outside, although I think it's the beginning of March of the calendar is right, so it should warm up soon.

When I get to my room I take off my shirt from yesterday, and grab a heavy hoodie. I look in the mirror, grimacing as I can see the outline of my ribs from not eating. I quickly put the hoodie on and shimmy out of my skinny jeans. I grab some loose blue jeans and slide those on, with some heavy socks. I walk downstairs grabbing the backpack that's hanging on the railing and make my way to the door. I slide my boots on and lace them.

By that time, Oliver is already back downstairs and playing with Brooke, reading her the books he found. I smile, and walk over to them.

"I have to go, buddy." I say bending down to give him a hug. I kiss the top of Brooke's head and turn around for Ace.

"Nope. No hugs for you." He shakes his head.

"Why do you always do that?" I ask, finally fed up with his behavior.

"Hugs mean goodbye, but you're coming back. I don't need to say goodbye." He says. Although I'm slightly annoyed still, I smile knowingly and fist bump him instead, finally unlocking the door.

"Lock this behind me ok?" I tell Oliver.

Turning around I face the outdoors. Usually the streets are completely dead around here, so I just walk without a care.

I'm careful to remember where I'm headed since I'm going out farther this time, and I'd rather not get lost. I pass Mr. Belranger's house. He was our neighbor, a real asshole. I raided his house first when this all started. But seeing his rotting body put me off food for a couple of days anyway.

I still remember having to move mom and dad outside. Ace dug two holes next to each other, while Oliver made a "headstone" out of the bricks from the front of the house that used to be for decorations. He carved their names into it along with the year, while I tried to form their bodies into a more natural shape.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I recall the burial, it wasn't very graceful as their bodies were heavy as we ended up dropping them into the makeshift graves with a loud thump.

Realizing that I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going, I regain my bearings. Another block or so should do the trick as some of the houses aren't very familiar.

I turn the corner and side step around a house to check the unfamiliar street. I don't see anyone so I make a dash to the first house I see.

The door is locked, but the window to the second story looks open. I'm a pretty good climber and there is a sturdy looking tree branch near the window. I go to the trunk and gain footing on the bark.

Eventually I can grab an actual branch, and I pull myself up. I'm decently short, and the branch I need is a far reach, so after being a wuss about it for a minute, I finally gain the courage to make the rather large jump.

I nearly lose my grip on the branch, but I use my upper body strength to maneuver my way up.

I take a deep breath as I straddle the branch, looking down at the large drop I would have had if I fell.

I crawl toward the window, and feel the branch bend slightly, however it's very thick so I know it can take my weight. Finally, I reach close enough to grab onto the windowsill. And I get my leg through to the other side.

However, I lose my balance, and feel as the top of my body begins to plummet toward the ground. I wrap my arms around my head, closing my eyes, knowing that I may break my neck from the fall. I let out a panicked squeal, even though I'm as successful at being quiet this whole time.

That's when I feel someone grab onto my ankle. I unwrap my hands and look up, seeing a guy my age smirking evilly at me. At this moment I'm not sure if I'd rather be caught or fall.

"Bring up your other foot." He calls down to me.

I stare at him, contemplating my next action.

"Listen, lady you're not heavy, I could lift you like this, but it's gonna be hella painful once I reach your ass." He says with another scary smirk.

I decide to lift my other foot, so he has a better grip. He latched on and begins to pull me up. Once my butt gets toward the edge of the windowsill, i try to bend forward more, and he moves his hand to my waist and the other grabs my hand.

I duck my head in and jump to the floor inside, feeling around for the gun I had strapped to my jeans.

"Looking for this?" The guy asks and I turn around to look at him. He had light brown hair that curled slightly at the top, and a scar along his cheek. He had square shoulders and was overall just scary looking.

I rapidly drop to the ground to reach the knife I tucked away in my shoe, but I heard the safety unlock.

"Stop, darling I'm a good aim." He says with a deep voice. I raise my hands to my head, and watch as he makes his way to the door, and closes it with his foot.

I stand back up, shaking a little as the gun is still aimed at my head.

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