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"Uuuuurrrggghhhhh." You moaned. Your head felt like it had been glued to the pillow, your throat felt like you'd never had a drink of water in your life and your ears felt like they were about to fall off. You sat up and attempted to get out of bed, which you took a good few minutes before you finally stood upright.
Pulling a blanket around you hot yet also freezing body you waddled to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You had to blink a few times before you realised the ghost of a person staring back at you was actually you. Your skin was practically see through, your (h/c) hair had fallen out of the ponytail you'd had it in and your eyes had bags the size of Europe underneath them.

It's official. You're sick.

After deciding doing anything today would make your brain explode you crawled back to bed and made yourself into a burrito with the blankets.
Your phone got a text.

Buck Buck
"Are you coming into work today ?"

Damn !! I must have slept through my alarm.

"No I'm not feeling too good today. But I'll be in tomorrow. X"

'I'll be in tomorrow if my eyes don't fall out of my sockets today.'  You thought.

Buck Buck
"Do you want me to come over ?"

"No it's fine. I'd hate for you to get ill."

Buck Buck
"Super-Soldier serum. I don't get ill. I'm coming doll."

"No really it's ok. Don't bother I'll be fine. See you tomorrow. X"

Buck Buck
"If your sure. Ok."

You'd actually love for my sweet, sensitive and extremely attractive super soldier boyfriend to come over and look after you but..after seeing yourself self in the mirror before even you don't want to see you. You found a box of tissues you'd stashed away in the cupboard beside your bed and blew your runny yet dry nose in the flimsy paper. Pulling your laptop onto your bed you put (your favourite movie/tv series to watch when your ill [or just Sherlock because it's amazing] ) on and tried to forget about the feeling of wanting to rip your sinuses out.
After sleeping through half of it you decided to try make yourself something to eat. In a ideal world you could just easily make yourself (your favourite food to eat when sick) and go back to bed. But because you are only about 10% awake you ended up eating a piece of unbuttered toast. Because you forgot to put butter on it. After brushing off the crumbs and making yourself into a piece of sushi again you dosed through another few hours of (tv/movies). Your phone buzzed again. You patience for that damn buzzing is getting really low and the temptation of throwing it out the window is very high.

Buck Buck
"Are you sure ? I feel really bad."

"Yeah I'll be fine. X"

Buck Buck
"Nope I'm coming over."

Your heavy eyelids widened and you decide to a leat try make yourself look at little less gross. You picked up the trail of tissues leading to the bathroom and kitchen putting them in a pile beside your bed and straightened your covers. Flopping back on your bed from exhaustion you were just about to close your eyes when there is a knock at the door.
"Just come in. If your a murderer please...come put me out of my misery !!" You shouted.
"Y/N ?" Bucky wandered into your room. He saw a mound of blankets and knew somewhere inside of that pile was his girlfriend. Bucky saw two feet in fluffy blue socks sticking out the bottom and a pale face somewhere in the middle.
"How'd you feel ?" He asked, wincing as the girl inside the pile of blankets coughed like a smoker.
"Like my heads about to explode." You said, although it sounded more like 'lick mwy eadz ubout to expwode.'
"What can I do to help ?" He asked.
"Food." You told him. He smiled and produced a pot full of chicken soup and a metal spoon.
"Is this ok ?"
"Thank you Bucky." You tell him, but once again it sounds more like 'thwank uooooww Bwucky.' He laughs at your bad attempts at speaking and looks disapprovingly the piles of tissues.
"What do you call that ?" He asks, pointing at the pile of tissues spread across the floor.
"Mount Kleenex." You tell him and he laughs. Even though you've forgotten what feeling well feels like you still smile at him. Even in this god awful state.
"Right well you've brought me food now you can go." You tell him, waving him away weakly.
"What ? No I'm going to look after my doll." He tells you, kicking a rouge tissue towards a pile with the toe of his shoe.
"No no no !!! Come back tomorrow. (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment please try again tomorrow." You say attempting a robotic voice and hiding your face under the covers.
"(Y/N), I'm staying." He tells you firmly.
"But I look like death." You argue and he laughs.
"Is that why you won't let me take care of you ? Because of how you look ?" He laughs. And your already pink cheeks go a shade darker.
"Look just because you don't look you best, or that you have poor hygiene skills doesn't mean I don't love you." He said sitting on the engine of you bed and kissing you forehead. You smile and say "what do you mean 'poor hygiene skills' ?!" You demand.
"You named a sky high pile of snotty tissues 'Mount Kleenex'. Most people don't get as far as a collection let alone a mountain." He argued.
"Ahh no no no. I'm ill you have to be nice to me," You smiled a wicked smile "no more teasing."
"Whatever you want doll."

Bucky Barnes One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now