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You'd been crushing on a certain super soldier with a metal arm for a while now. But he'd never treated you differently from anyone else so you didn't believed he actually might like you back.

You'd also been wanting braces for a while now. You'd always been self conscious of you teeth and now you finally had accumulated enough money to make it happen. But as soon as you got them and came home to the base you realised you didn't want anyone knowing. Especially not Bucky.

So from the first few day you kept you mouth shut. No taking, no eating with them, no laughing and not a single word came out.
But after three day everyone realised something was seriously wrong with you.

One day you were just sat watching tv with the whole gang, including Bucky, and Thor came in singing a song about his pop tarts, which were in front of him, in a really bad singing voice and he fell. He was fine but his pop tarts had shattered on the ground.
"Help! I've mc fallen!!" He exclaimed. And with that you laughed, forgetting about you braces and everyone looked, and saw them.
"You have braces!" Clint pointed out, loud enough for everyone to hear. Your eyes surveyed the room and you made sure not to linger too long on the surprised expression of the super soldier.
"Yes?" You asked trying to brush it off even though you wanted to cry.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Nat asked while everyone gave a nod.
"I didn't want to you know. It's embarrassing." You mumbled and looked down and away from the pairs of eyes.
"So you were planning to keep your mouth shut for a year or so?" Steve asked and you nodded.
"Just stop staring!" You finally broke and ran out of the room as a tear or two welled in your eyes. You ran and ran until you were on the other side of the building and away from everyone else. On a balcony you looked out over the now dark city and sighed.

Why couldn't I just be like Nat or Wanda who have naturally perfect teeth.
'Maybe then Bucky might like you' you thought. 'But now your a metal mouth he'll think your disgusting' you said to yourself cruelly. You heard a few footsteps behind you and turned to see non other that Bucky.
"Hey." He said and you smiled weakly as a hello and wiped away a tear.
"You know," He said "I think it's very brave of you to get braces. I know I would never be confident enough to change something about myself and my lifestyle." And you turned to him in shock.
"You think?" You asked timidly and he nodded.
"Do they," you paused "do they make me look stupid?" You asked guardedly.  He shook his head quickly.
"Nothing could make you look stupid. You look as beautiful as ever." Bucky said, and looked away as her realised he'd let on more than he wanted to.
"Really?" You asked growing in confidence.
"Yes." He managed and hid behind a curtain of his hair.
"That's nice of you but I know your just trying to be nice." You smiled sadly and he finally looked back.
"I'm not lying," he answered "your so beautiful it hurts sometimes. And it hurts me how you don't realise how perfect you are. That's one of the reasons I like you-" he stopped and turned around and left. You stood there she'll shocked. After it sunk in you ran after him.
"Bucky! Bucky wait!" You yelled and finally caught up to him, grabbing his shoulder.
"It's fine if you don't like me back." He blurted our quickly.
"I'll understand."
"Just let me-"
"I am ninety-three years old," it was like he was talking to himself "and old and I probably need a haircut."
"Bucky!" He looked into you eyes and stopped. You kissed him which all the love you had in you and tried to forget about your ugly braces.
"I like you too. A lot." You said once you'd broke apart. You both grinned at each other.
"Finally," Nat exclaimed with the rest of the team behind her "all it took was for you to get braces and dramatically storm out! If I'd known that's what need to happen I'd have gotten you that braces myself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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