"Baby daddy will be here soon to drag you back home soon?" Erica asked joining their conversation. "Hey Josh. Hey Davina."

"Hey Erica," Davina grinned at her. "Cute top."

"Thanks," Erica beamed at Davina's compliment. "Stiles when will baby daddy be here? I want to meet him. I asked Peter about him. He's only heard of him never seen him."

"Yeah," Lydia nodded tapping her chin. "How hot is this guy? You've seen him, Josh? Davina? What are your opinions? Stiles does have good taste though. She was in love with me for years."

"I was," Stiles confirmed causing Lydia to grin. "Klaus is good looking. He's got dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. A jawline that could cut glass. Pouty lips. Sexy accent. Tall. Arrogant. Looks really good shirtless. He's an asshole. So I do have a type." She smiled. "When it comes to sex he definitely knows what he is doing."

"That would be because he has been around for centuries," Josh snarked. "He is easy on the eyes. Not really my type though."

"I don't like him at all," Davina stated gruffly. "But he's nice to look at. I can't see him being happy about being called baby daddy."

"I can't either," Stiles chuckled then laughed harder. The four looked at her questionly. "Just imaging him going to a daddy/baby play date. He would threaten everyone there."

"I know," Josh laughed. "The guy who had me bleed a vampire until he was drained of vervain changing diapers and going to a play date with his kids friends."

The three friends shared a look then laughed harder. Erica and Lydia just looked at them like they were crazy.

Stiles wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "Sorry, it's just hilarious. When you meet him you'll understand. What's the plan's for tonight? Do you all have to go to Derek's?"

"No," Erica said shaking her head. "Derek has a date planned with Jennifer. He told us to stay away from the loft tonight."

"Bleh," Stiles scoffed at the mention of Jennifer. "Do you two like her?"

"She seems okay," Lydia replied hands on her hips. "Quiet. Good teacher. I do have to say it is weird having our alpha date our English teacher."

"I'm happy for Derek," Erica remarked a sneer on her face. "He deserves to be happy and I think that Ms. Blake makes him that. Happy, I mean. He wasn't happy until he met her. Your disappearing act really messed him up. Don't try to ruin his relationship because you're jealous. Besides, you're pregnant with another guys baby."

"What's that have to do with anything?" Stiles inquired gritting her teeth. "I slept with Derek yeah but I am not going to try to ruin his relationship. There is something about her. This is not me being jealous."

"Leave them alone," Erica growled eyes flashing yellow and claws popping out. "Derek is happy. Boyd and I are happy for him. Just drop it and stay out of his and Jennifer's relationship. He doesn't need your baggage."

"My baby is not baggage, Erica," Stiles snapped hands shaking. "Don't ever talk about her that way again. I'll drop it just don't ever saw anything like that again, Erica."

"Okay," Erica whispered eyes turning back to their normal brown. "I just want Derek to be happy."

Lydia rolled her eyes and lowered her voice. "I believe you, Stiles."

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