Hawkeye(Clint Barton) x Artist!Reader

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(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = last name
(c/h) = color hair
(e/c) = eye color
(c/l) = color lips

Hawkeye P.O.V.

I was walking around the city because I got a free day off from work which is very rare. Being deaf isn't so bad I can cancel out all the unwanted noise from the bustling city. I was walking to an art convention with artists from all around the country. I've been trying to get Tony into this artist I really like. Her name is (y/n) (l/n). I don't know what she looks like because she is never at the conventions that I am aware of but she normally will talk about her work via pre-recorded audio tape. She doesn't use her real name she uses a pen name of M. A. Brookz and her copyright symbol is a white heart on fire, always located on the upper right corner. The only way I was able to find out her real name was by following her contracts through the places her work have appeared. What kind of spy would I be if I couldn't find out her real name? The only problem was the server kick me out before I could see her picture but I don't mind. More of a mystery.
I finally arrived at the convention and payed for the ticket in. This convention is very unknown so hopefully I'll see or met her.
"Excuse me sir, can you please move? This is getting heavy." A soft gentle voice asked. Her voice sound kind of familiar.
"Oh! Sorry, did you want help with that?" I asked. I turned around and moved aside so she can pass. She has unblemished skin with bright (e/c) eyes, soft (c/l) lips. She just had on a thin coat of black eyeliner and mascara for makeup. She was wearing a white t-shirt and a dark grey hoodie with a pair of paint splattered jeans and a size too big steel toed work boots. The doors opened suddenly and the wind caught her hood of her hoodie for it to come down. Her (h/c) hair was in a cute messy half bun and a few strands coming down to frame her beautiful face. She had a pair of big sun glasses plopped on top of her head.
"No! It's fine really, could you just move? Please?" She said in a frenzy. She looked like she was carrying multiple paintings with covers bungeed around them. Some were probably bigger than her, some as big as her, some smaller and a dolly with more paintings outside the glass doors.
"I think I'm going to help you anyways. You seem to have a lot of paintings to carry and I'm sure after three trips back and forth should finish bringing in all your paintings." I gave on of my famous smirks because I already knew I had won her over. She sighed and agreed to let me help. I grabbed five extremely large paintings and carried them in. We walked down the hallway to the exhibition showroom to drop off the paintings. She was really quiet so I struck up some small talk.
"So, who's paintings are we carrying?"
"M. A. Brookz's new collection called Heroes of Today. I personally love them. She is an amazing artist. Did you know she also does photography, writes non-fiction and draws pictures in charcoal?" She said. Then it struck me like Thor's lightning she actually knows (y/n) personally.
"Quick question. What's your name?"
"Um. (Y/n). What's your?" She blushed and rubbed her neck in embarrassment.
"Clint Barton. What's your last name?"
"Uh. Look a squirrel with a shotgun!" She yelled. I looked because hey it's not everyday you see a squirrel with a shotgun. I turned back to see her running down the hall with last few of Brookz's paintings. Huffing I chased after her to the showroom because my gut tells me she is Brookz. Well at least this is going to be interesting.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

Today I had another showcase. I really didn't want to do it but a girl's got to eat and make a living. I finished getting all my paintings for the showcase out of my delivery truck and on the dolly I had the building place outside. The most difficult part is going to be that the paintings are going to have to be carried in because they would get ruined by hitting the ceiling or doorways from the extra height of the dolly. I showed my pass to the window and they let me in with some of my paintings. Going through the doors there was a man clearly spaced out.
"Excuse me sir, can you please move? This is getting heavy." I asked because I already had to lift  and move all my paintings for this show once. After awhile of carrying paintings your arms hurt. He turned to face me. He had the most amazing eyes. They were a sparkling blue with a light grey hue towards the center of his eyes. Nicely tanned skin and sandy blond hair that was styled in a mess, which in my opinion really added to his charm. He was muscular but not overly muscular that makes you think that their whole life is working out. He wore a v collared shirt, black leather jacket and dark blue jeans with a pair of black converse. He had a hand in his pants pocket and the other holding a dark pair of sunglasses.
"Oh! Sorry, did you want help with that?" He asked. His voice was so nice to listen to. It made my heart melt. What am I thinking! Focus on your job! Ok. I'm ready to go.
"No! It's fine really, could you just move? Please?" I was starting to get frustrated because these are all supposed to be inside already and me gone.
"I think I'm going to help you anyways. You seem to have a lot of paintings to carry and I'm sure after three trips back and forth should finish bringing in all your paintings." He said somewhat cockily while giving me a smirk. I have to admit it was pretty hot. Sighing I finally agreed after a few seconds. He grabbed five of my largest ones and walked with me down the hallway to the showroom. I just met him and I didn't know how to start a conversation with him without me looking like a fool because I'm nervous. Normally, I don't get a lot of human interaction so this was totally weirding me out.
"So, who's paintings are we carrying?" He asked. I was so glad he asked me something because the silence was killing me.
"M. A. Brookz's new collection called Heroes of Today. I personally love them. She is an amazing artist. Did you know she also does photography, writes non-fiction and draws pictures in charcoal?" I said totally making it sound like common sense. I don't remember if I released any of this information but I don't think he'll catch it. It was a truthful response so I didn't lie. I just twisted somethings so I sounded like a total fan of myself. Which now that I think about it, it sounds really weird. I looked over at him and saw the gears turning in his head which was a bad thing. I started to get uneasy about what's going to happen.
"Quick question. What's your name?"
"Um. (Y/n). What's your?" I asked because it's not fair for one person to stay autonomous. I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck because I think my name is weird.
"Clint Barton. What's your last name?" He asked. That's not good. Time to leave!
"Uh. Look a squirrel with a shotgun!" I yelled and made a dash for the showroom. I didn't hear his foot steps so I distracted him for a short time at least. Getting to the showroom I dropped off the final paintings and tapes. I told the host and building manager I'll look around for a few minutes then I have to go because someone almost discovered my secret. They said they understood and would electronically pay me then I threw my hood of my hoodie up and prayed he didn't spot me because I think I saw him enter the showroom doors out of the corner of my eye. Time to blend in. Remember blend in and don't look suspicious.

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