II || The One Who Gets Away

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Los Angeles, 2014

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Los Angeles, 2014

Adonis Adaris

03:24 am, Friday the 18th of November.

THE WIND WAS WILD, the glass was stained with rain, I couldn't see clearly. I shouldn't be driving.

My classic Ferrari California was struggling to grasp control in these woods, I was supposed to be there already, a good hour ago.

I was in tears, my shirt was soaked in red. I need to see her. I need to tell her I tried. I did everything I could. She needs to know. Adara needs to know, that I, Adonis Adaris killed her best friend.
3 years later

Adara Sterling

Today was the day. The day of the grand party. It's been a ritual, for the last three years. We celebrated this day, we like to think she would've wanted this.

Adonis plans this party every year, maybe out of guilt because he feels responsible in some way or an emotion I can't name, but I'm not sure so I don't mention it.

As I was fitting into my haute couture $27,500 ELIE SAAB suit. The beautiful ocean foam coloured outfit with shimmering attachments hand stitched onto them. This truly was a masterpiece. I almost felt undeserving wearing this.

The feeling of walking into a room of people, having everyone's attention is still something I'm not used to. I don't think I ever will. Alexxis would've been by my side, through this all, she was supposed to be.

This was for her. I walked down the mansion stairs with my 3 inch heels making my apparent 5'5 height seem a little taller than I was.

As I walked down there was a silence, murmurs, "the dead girls best friend", "how unfortunate, everyone who loves her dies." A lot of things are said and I'm sure at this point they all assume I'm deaf. They aren't exactly subtle or quiet.

Adonis rushes to my side and and offers me his arm, I accept it as gracefully as I can. We walk down the rest and are offered some champagne.

All eyes on us, an unsaid rule. This party does not begin till we have the first sip.

He looked absolutely stunning, he was in one of his tailored Gucci suits. He really cleaned up well.

Adonis hasn't said a word. We make eye contact, the room seems to have frozen. I feel safe, it's just him and I, he gives me that his most charming smile that he can in the moment and we sip.

The energy in the room changes, the party begins. I feel lighter almost instantaneous.

The party is as good as they get, I spend most of it with the Althaias' and Adonis. There's a lot of flirting, eye smiles.

"Do you think something dramatic will happen this year?" Evangeline whispers as she comes and puts her arm around my waist and offers me a drink.

"How dramatic can a party like this get? The most entertaining thing that happened last year was that Icarus ended up running into four of his previous hookups and got drinks thrown on him by all four,"I chuckle at the memory.

"That was quite fun," she whispered looking at me intently. "Are you okay?" She spoke at a volume only I could hear.

Was I okay? We were supposedly mourning the loss of our friend, my best friend, my person, my love, by partying. This wasn't bringing her back, this was doing nothing but helping me drown my sorrows. Sorrows I should've moved on from a long time ago.

"I don't know, Ev, you know this party brings back memories." I whispered to her, taking in a deep breath. She looked like she was going to say something when everything seemed to freeze.

"What's wrong? Not a good surprise guys? I think it's been a while hasn't it?" A familiar voice came. I would recognise that voice anywhere. I had to be wrong, this could not be happening.

I turned around to walk straight into a warm body, her muscular arms held me from falling. She had somehow become even more beautiful than I remembered her to be.

"Miss me?" Her voice was soft, fragile-like glass, almost worried about my reaction. She held on to me very tightly, almost afraid I'd disappear right in her arms.

Was this real? Was this actually happening?

"Alexxis?" Was all I could whisper. She was real, she gave me the slow creeper. She was stunning, I was awestruck.

"Well that just got super dramatic in compared to last year didn't it?" Evangeline scoffed, walking up to us.



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A Guide to Saving a Millionaires HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora