"Magnus? I could tell." Lupin nodded in agreement, "our friendship may also make a little... Mad? Perhaps, you'd need to understand a lot more beforehand."

"Mad? Why? Friends are friends, if I didn't like you I wouldn't mind you being friends with Magnus."

Lupin shook his head. "We're closer than friends, parabatai, but not as close as you are to him. You could say I'm a close second."

Alec was about to speak when the lights dimmed and the butterfly was the only illumination in the room. He looked round and everyone now seemed all secretive, a large smirk on all their faces. "Oh no.." Alec knew what it was, he found this bit so embarrassing.

Magnus came into the room and Izzy stood with her camera at the ready as the singing begun. All Alec could do was blush and watch Magnus slowly coming towards him with a massive cake. What were you even meant to do at this point? Did anyone know? Alec sure didn't. Staria was singing as well, looking up at him. He smiled at her and realised that everyone was looking at him now.

The cake put onto the table in front of him and the song ended, "make a wish!" Said Staria, and he did. He blew the candles out, hoping his wish would come true soon.

Everyone cheered and clapped... For what reason exactly? Congratulations! You succeeded in blowing out candles that spell out your age? Alec never really understood the importance of his own birthday, but those he knew younger than him who would love more than anything to throw massive parties at their own he understood. To him, his birthday was him one year closer to dying. Though he was now immortal, no one could live forever. Science says so does it not? One die the sun will die out, or a natural disaster may end him, the possibilities were endless. Each birthday he was simply older but not aging, whereas everyone around him was. And one day, while he still looked an innocent 18, his family.. Would die.

But that was only part of why birthdays were meaningless to him. But his thoughts were broken by a kitchen knife put into his open palm. Of course, make another wish to cut the cake. But he was out of- no, he wasn't out of things to wish. He cut it confidently, hoping that in time, this would be true too. He couldn't change the past, but it never left his mind. His dreams were calm, but no one can always be protected from the shadows.

He handed out slices of cake to everyone and Alec paused before doing his and looked at the cake with a massive hole. "Who decorated this?" He asked to no one in particular, taking a piece with all three.
"The children and Magnus of course." Clary piped up, "you can guess who did what. Personally, I like the flowers best. Bit girly of you Magnus."

"That wasn't me, I did the ocean." Magnus replied, eyeing Staria who looked embarrassed. "Staria did them."

"Did you?" Alec looked at her beside him and she nodded, "clever girl." He ruffled her hair and she blushed.


Cake finished and dinner's leftovers -currently being eaten by the Chairman- in the kitchen, everyone was gathered for a film. Zac was fast asleep in Magnus' lap and Jace had taken Clary home after she had fainted, claiming she felt ill. Maryse was looking a little too dreamily into Lupin's eyes and Izzy sat in Simon's lap. Alec wasn't sure when he had arrive, he just appeared at the cake, he claimed to have been there the entire time though.

They ended up watching The Prophecy, Alec and Izzy's favourite film. Staria was in Alec's lap, her head resting on his chest with a blanket round her shoulders. She fell asleep early on. When Gabriel burnt Simon's body, Izzy couldn't help think of her Simon so clutched his hand tightly and nuzzled him under the chin. Alec and Magnus were on opposite sides of the room for some reason, they both looked exhausted, hoping people would leave after the film.

Happy Birthday Alec (Malec fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon