Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

By now it was midday. The 5 of us were sitting in the backyard with a cute little picnic Mary made for us. All of a sudden Jessie let out a scream that went on, and on and on until I reached over and covered her mouth. Mary came out with the first aid kit looking worried.

"What in the world are you screaming about!?" I calmly said.

"One Direction have a concert. Here! Tonight!" Jessie said, voice going up an octave with every syllable. Once more I put my hand over her mouth. Mary laughed and then headed back inside.

"Okay, I'm going to move my hand now and when I do, don't scream" I said like I was talking to a child. Nodding her head I took my hand away. Jessie sat up again and took a couple of deep breaths. Looking at me she said,"You know for someone who practically IS a child at times you sure have the authoritative tone down pact."

"Hey! Don't be so jealous mama-cita. You known no one can do it like this", I said in a, what I hoped to be, Spanish accent. Standing I twirled around and pulled Tynesha up with me and we shook our booties.

"Oh yeah, tick tock on the clock.", I sung while Tynesha did the same and the others laughed. We sat back down and a grape hit my head. I looked next to me at Joel who was giggling,

 "Joel? Did you just grape me?" I said in a serious tone.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" he replied, looking uneasy, I laughed.

"Well, grape me again because I missed it!" I laughed out loud while opening my mouth to await the flying grape Joel had aimed for my mouth. With a swift flick of his wrist it landed perfectly.

"Yay!", I said before chewing it. I smiled at Joel and turned to high five him. Jessie had recorded the whole thing, "When will that battery run out?" I said amazed it hadn't already.

"I can charge it with the cord but this little beauty can be charged solar power style!", she said eyes glinting, smile widening. Great so as long as the sun was out it charged.

Meg's and Joel's older brother, Pat, walked out the back, "Wow! To what do we owe the pleasure?", I asked laughingly. 

Pat smiled at me, "Hey which one of you wants to clean my house and car?", he said. 

The 5 of us looked at each other and burst out into tears of laughter. Really this kid was a wonder, "Look older bro. Why would we want to do that?" I asked wiping tears from my cheek.

"Because at least 1 of you want these tickets to One Directions concert..." 

"Ah! yes yes yes I'll do it I'll clean your house, your car, your dirty laundry just yes please? Can I have them?", Jessie begged. Pulling her puppy dog eyes. Mary came out and smacked the back of Pats head lightly.

"Don't make the girl beg", she said like the good parent she is. 

Pat rolled his eyes and gave her the tickets. Jessie let out another shriek and I face palmed, "Jessie! My hand is begging to shut you up", I said laughing as she wholly covered her mouth and sat down again. Looking at the tickets I thought she ha gone into a trance and that we'd lost get forever. Figuratively. I giggled and pushed her, "Come on coco-loco. Time to come back down to earth."

"Shay! Come with me! You'll enjoy it more live then music in the car, trust me!", she said excitedly. Jessie held a ticket out for me and smiling I took it.

"Okay. What time is it?", I said reading the ticket.

"it starts at 9 tonight and it's only 12:40! What are we going to do for the next couple of hours!?" Jessie groaned.

"Well as much as I really hate to. We can go shopping? Because for 1. you know how picky I am with clothes and 2. As much as I love my summer maxi dress I'm not wearing it tonight" I said running my hand down my dress.

"Yay! Today just gets better. One Direction tickets and Shayah May Rose is suggesting shopping!", Jessie said bug eyed.

"But wait there's only 2 more tickets" I said.

"I don't want to go", Joel said, "I have a date tonight".

"Moving on quickly aren't you", I said pulling a sad face. We all laughed and I stood and said,

"It's settled then. Let's go shopping!".


Forever yours, Zayn [Zayn Malik Fanfic COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now