The 1 Million Subscriber Journey

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This is the video that he celebrates his 1 Million subscribers.

And this video is the box-opening his YouTube Gold Play Button.

The Story:

So he announces that he will have a YouTube 1 Million Subscriber Tribute to his channel. I know to myself that I didn't even see his channel grow from the time that he creates his channel (but at least I subscribed to him before he hits 1 million subscribers). So I saw his first ever video on his channel when he makes a tribite to his channel. And he starts with a survival map and I saw his series playlist of that, and it's cool. The thing is, I can't play it cause I don't know how to attatch a map on Minecraft.

Then months later, YouTube sent his first ever YouTube Gold Play Button. So he make a comparisson to his Silver Play Button and it's a large difference. Because of it's size, Silver Play Button can just hang on a wall. But the Gold Play Button is a large one you should have a strong structure of house (jk) and a strong nail to hang it. And in the letter of YouTube, they said, reach for 10 Million subscribers. PewDiePie made it. DanTDM made it. How about UnspeakableGaming?

I'm so excited to see UnspeakableGaming has reached 10 Million subscribers.

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