"Annie, I was waiting for you since long time now" he says while checking his watch.

"O..oh sorry" my voice comes out in whisper, I clear my throat than add "I was hungry that I didn't check my messages before entering canteen"

"Oh that's fine, mom said you didn't eat breakfast" he says in confusion.

"I woke up late, so I was in hurry" I reply embarrassedly.

"Annie, you have problem in waking up. If you behave like this, than you will have health issue" he says little sternly.

I feel angry but he is right.
I nod my head "I know, I will wake up early from tomorrow"

"That's good. Did you had your breakfast?" He asks.

"Just having" I say showing him my untouched sandwich. He scowls but doesn't utter a word.
"What work you had?" I ask him.

"Oh that, Dad wanted me to meet some clients" he replies.

"I have two more lectures for today" I inform him.

"I thought so, I have to visit Dad's office for some work. I'll pick you later, when I'll be done with my work" he says while thinking something, may be he is calculating time.

"Kabir, it's fine I'll call driver you don't need to pick me" I say trying to reduce his work.

"I'll pick you, unless you don't want" he says sternly.

"Okay, I didn't mean to hu..." My sentence couldn't get complete because my friends choose this particular moment to show their presence.

"Why is...oh Jeeju, hi" says Neetu.

"I was wondering why everyone is looking at our table, now I know why" whispers Sanidha in my ear.

"Hi Kabir Jeeju" says Sanidha.

"Hi" he replies with smile.

He didn't smile when he see me.

I know

"You can call him Kabir, Jeeju sounds odd" I say to them.

"Okay" they both reply together.

I see Kabir is smiling but his smile doesn't reaching to his eyes.

They both come with their order and join us Kabir too order for sandwich and orange juice.

"Now we know, why were you in hurry?" Says Neetu signalling her meaning.

We eat our breakfast with Lot's of laughter mainly cause by Neetu and for my surprise Kabir gets along with them very well.

When we all stand to leave, Kabir holds my hand "can I have my wife for 2 minutes?" And asks them.

"Yeah, sure" says Sanidha.

"She is all yours" adds Neetu.

They both leave us and walk away. I note in my head that they need little lecture from me later.

"I will be here to pick you" he says.

"Okay" I reply.

We walk out from canteen together than I notice girls are looking at us or more like him. I feel i don't suit him, he is sinfully handsome and I am an average looking girl. I feel sad.

Kabir holds my hand "hey, what happened?" He asks me disturbing my trance.

I shake my head and reply "nothing"

We walk while holding hands. When we reach at corridor's that part from where he will take different way for out and I as well take different way for next class.

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