Eighteen- Bulgaria

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When Hermione arrives at Harry and Ginny's doorstep, she pauses when she's Ginny leaving, her suitcase in her hand and a bag draped over her shoulder. Hermiones frowns at her. "Ginny? Where are you going?"

"Specifically? Stara Zagora, Bulgraria. But if we're going to be general- I'm going away from here." She gives her a smile, her green eyes lighting up with her smile.

Hermione sucks in a deep breath. "You're leaving? Why? And why Bulgaria? Isn't that a little extreme? When are you coming back? What am I supposed to do when you're gone?"

Ginny places a calming hand on Hermione shoulder. "Yes, I'm leaving. And I'm leaving because my fiance just ended things completely with me. And before you go and get all guilt ridden," she says, as Hermione begins to look even more upset. "I fully support you and Harry, Hermione. Of course, it hurts, but if this makes Harry happy, and if this makes you happy, then I support it. So I'm going away to Bulgaria to grow and heal from this, and to adventure. I chose Bulgaria because there is a larger Quidditch team there that is interested in my talents. Yes it is a little extreme, but it's what I need. I don't know when I'm coming back, but I'll write, I'll call, and I'll visit. And while I'm gone, you're supposed to live your life, have fun, and go grab that opportunity in there that's been waiting nervously for you to show up." She gestures inside the house with a smile. "Everything is going to be okay, Hermione."

Hermione pulls Ginny into a tight hug. "I'm serious Ginny, you need to write everyday. And call so I can tell you everthing you're missing."

Ginny laughs. "I'm not five, Hermione. But I will." She pulls out of the hug. "Alright. Now, there's a boy in there who's been waiting up for you, and believe me when I say he's nervous about what you're going to say. Do what you think is right, and call me with the results, alright?" She frowns. "Actually, don't call, I'll call you- I'll be on a plane." She offers up a weak smile. "Too much apparation is hard on my stomach, so I'm rolling with muggle travel."

Hermione beams. "Have fun, Gin."

"Thank you Hermione. Now go." She starts down the steps, waving, before disapparating to the airport. Hermione takes a deep breath, and turns back to the door, grasping the knob firmly and turning it, entering the house.

Harry was in the living room, pacing back and forth. He looks up when she enters, his face brightens, and he stops pacing abruptly. He smiles, and she notices that he looks a little shy. "I, er... I made peppermint tea." He motions towards the coffee table, where two steaming mugs of tea sit.

She smiles. "Peppermint tea is my favorite."

He laughs. "I know- why do you think I made it?"

Hermione sits criss-cross applsauce on the couch, and Harry sits beside her, handing her cup of tea to her. She takes a sip, the warm liquid rushing over her mouth and down her throat, and she instantly feels her every nerve and muscle relax. She closes her eyes, a smile taking form on her face.

"So you wanted me to come over and drink tea with you?" She asks in a teasing tone. "Or was there something more?"

Harry shakes his head. "You know there was something more, Hermione. I gave up my fiancee for you, and i know that's extreme, but I can't look at her the same way anymore. And it's all because of how I look at you now."

Hermione looks down into her tea, for she figures it was the safest thing to do. If she met his gaze, she might be succumbed into his desire. "Harry, I don't know what to do. I'm so confused about my feelings for you, and I'm confused about my feelings for Ron, and I just..."

He feels his hand slip into hers, gently, and she knows it's not because he's trying to be romantic, but because he was comforting her, just as he always had. And instantly, she feels better. "Hermione, look, we've gone through something traumatic, and I'm sorry for forcing this all on you so quickly. I'll back off, if you want."

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