Eleven- Letters

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Harry didn't have much time to talk to Firenze. They didn't form a plan quite yet, but Harry promised to inform Hermione that they were going to get help from Firenze.  Firenze in turn said he would try to convince Alexio to allow him to guard Harry and Hermione for a short amount of time, and that was when they were going to form their plan.

"I have a few friends in this camp that disagree with Alexio's plan to take you to Rodolphus." Firenze says. "Alexio is, of course, doing all of this because he believes it is best for not only Sibelius, but his people as well."

Harry shakes his head, fierce anger gripped his stomach in response to Firenze's words. "I don't care what his reasons are. He's handing us over to Rodolphus. I won't take any sugar-coating on this one."

Firenze looks at the spot far off where Hermione and Alexio were talking. "It seems as if Miss Granger is up to something with Alexio."

Harry glances over at them, furrowing his eyebrows. "What are you talking about? Hermione's just talking to him."

"She requested a meeting with him, and neither of them are smiling whatsoever. Obviously whatever they're discussing is not good."

Harry tucks his chin up into his knees. "We've lived this way before, when everything we discuss isn't good. Everyone is used to it by now."

Firenze looks him over. "You put a great deal of trust into this girl."

Harry nods. "I'd trust Hermione with my life."

"Has she even told you what she and Alexio are discussing?" Firenze asks. "Perhaps you should find out before me form our plan, so we do not have anything in the way of getting you two out of here."

Harry doesn't meet his gaze. "I will. Hermione will tell me, I'm sure of it. She trusts me too." He holds out his hand again. "Thank you again, Firenze."

Firenze clasps his hand tightly. "Until tonight, old friend."

Harry nods, and the Firenze gallops away just as Hermione returns to his side.

"Hey Harry." She says. "Guess what."

Harry looks at her, and thinks of what Firenze said. Why hadn't Hermione told him what she and Alexio were talking about? Harry had planned to tell Hermione how he felt, but now he wasn't so sure. Why should he tell her what he was feeling, if she was going to keep secrets from him? "What?"

"I talked Alexio into letting us send letters home to Ron and Ginny. You know, tell them we're okay."

Harry squints. "Why would Alexio do that? After all of the work he put into making sure we get to Rodolphus, why would he let us send letters home? It doesn't make sense Hermione."

"Harry." She says. "I talked to Alexio last night. He doesn't want to do this Harry. He told me that he and the other centaurs agreed to treat us a little better, since they're escorting us to our deaths."

Harry frowns. "Are you actually telling me that you trust this guy?"


"And why didn't you tell me about any of this yesterday?"

Hermione throws her tied up hands into the air, making for an odd gesture. "Because that's what I just talked to him about. I only got the approval to send out the letters two minutes ago. I don't understand why you're being such a ninny about this. We get to send letters home, Harry!"

Harry shakes his head. "I don't trust him, Hermione. And you could've told me last night that they wanted to start treating us better."

"Harry! Stop being a git, please!"

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