Sunday: New Mysteries

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*in Apple and Raven's dorm*

Apple- *yawns* *gets up* *stretches* *sees Frankie next to Raven's bedside* *concerned* Good morning Frankie...

Frankie- *concerned* Good morning Apple...*looks at Raven and Twilight who are still unconscious*

Abbey- *in her casual clothes* *crosses arms sadly* They still no awaken yet...

Frankie- *shakes head* *looks at her hand* *sparks come from her hand* *looks at the sparks then looks at Raven and Twilight* I wonder... *rubs her hands together creating electricity* *about to put her hands on Raven and Twilight* CLEAR!!!

Raven/Twilight- *instantly wake up* *shocked* WAIT!!!!

Frankie- *the sparks disappear* *relieved* *hugs them* Thank goodness you guys are alright!!!

Sunset/Apple- *hugs them nearly at tears*

Raven- *smiles calmly* Easy guys we're ok...

Twilight- *smiles* Just a bit exhausted...*sheepish* And hungry...

Abbey- *smiles* Then let us get nutrients from Castleteria...

Frankie- Great idea Abbey *helps them up*

*all of them walk out of the room*

*in the Castleteria everyone is eating*

Frankie/Raven/Abbey/Sunset/Twilight/Apple- *sitting at a table eating*

Cerise/Clawdeen/Rainbow- *sees them* *relieved* *sits down by them*

Cerise- *takes Raven's hand* I'm glad to see you two back on your feet *smiles*

Clawdeen- We all gave us quite a scare last night...

Raven- Sorry about that guys I didn't know that it would take that much power to open a magic seal for a book

Cleo/Briar/Rarity- *comes over and sits next to them*

Cleo- Well...looks who's out and about this morning *smiles* Glad to see your alright...

Briar- As for the book it did open...

Twilight- *serious* And what was in it...

Raven- *arches eyebrow* Did anyone read it? Where is it now?

Apple- It's still in the drawer we didn't want to open it until you guys woke up

Twilight- Well we can do that now...*gets up* I suggest we get going...*walks to put up her tray*

*everyone looks at each other in concern*

Twilight- *goes to put her tray up* *starts to walk back to her room*

*the others follow Twilight back to the room*

*at Maddie and Kitty's door*

Raven- *knocks on it*

Maddie- *opens it to see Raven* *hugs her tightly*

Twilight/Frankie- *smiles at each other and motions for them to follow them*

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