Chapter 11

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"Wha- What are you talking about?" Jungkook nervously asked, Chorong rolled her eyes, "whatever, aren't we supposed to be going to 'Rapunzel'? What happened to the time conscious rabbit?". She left the room while stomping her feet.

"Is she mad?" Jungkook asked Moonbin, Moonbin shook his head "I don't think so because the only time she stomps her feet is when she's on her period or something else so please get out and we can talk about the red queen after I wake up". Moonbin covered his head with a pillow and fell back asleep "you go ahead to 'Rapunzel' I'm not a huge fan of that story anyways".

Jungkook nodded and left his room. He peeped a bit in Chorong's room and found her sobbing in her pillow. "Chorong?" Jungkook wanted to ask her what's wrong but he felt to scared that she would get mad at him. Again.

"Jungkook?" Chorong said in between sobs without facing him at all. "Yeah?" Jungkook approached Chorong a bit. "What's wrong?" he asked. "What's the name of the guy who'll have to climb up my hair in Rapunzel?" Chorong randomly asked.

Jungkook let out a small chuckle with the way she described the guy. "His name is Jung Hoseok, and it'll take a bit long so we'll have to do 'The Little Mermaid Tomorrow'" Jungkook said and gave her another handkerchief so she can wipe her tears. "Let's go" Chorong said "Moonbin won't come with us, he's sleepy so he'll just join us for 'The Little Mermaid'" Jungkook explained.

Chorong nodded "okay, let's just go. The sooner the better". Jungkook snapped his fingers and a door entirely made of stones appeared. Jungkook opened the door and said "ladies first". Chorong smiled and went in first. She found herself inside a room with a high ceiling. She found a window and immediately opened it, only to find herself in a tower that was over 15 feet tall.

Jungkook snapped his fingers again and Chorong had really long blonde hair with a purple dress that reached her ankles. "Woah!" Chorong smiled widely and tried to look for the end of her hair. "I've always wanted to know what it was like to have this long hair" Chorong smiled and bit her lower lip in excitement.

Jungkook smiled and said "I'll just return to my rabbit self, your so-called 'mother' won't know or recognize me. So I'll be in your room as a bunny". Jungkook walked away from Chorong and he was turning into a rabbit as he walked away, when he reached the door, he was a full rabbit hopping.

Chorong smiled at his adorable bunny tail then she heard an old female voice "Oh Cho- I mean, Rapunzel!". Chorong ran to the window and let her hair down, and her 'mother' climbed up her hair. Mother Gothel reached the top and said "I'm home! How's my Rapunzel?". Chorong smiled nervously at her and said "I'm great! How are you mother?".

Mother Gothel smiled at her "I'm good! Now, Rapunzel, I have to go out tomorrow to get your gift for your birthday. I'm sorry I can't be here for your birthday during the day but I'll be here at night, okay?". Chorong smiled weakly "actually mother I was hoping you'd take me out to see the world for my birthday".

Mother Gothel choked on her saliva "what did you say? Go out to see the world?" then she began lecturing Chorong, who mother Gothel calls Rapunzel, about how dangerous the world is and why she must never leave the tower.

After the lecture, Mother Gothel left to get Chorong/Rapunzel's gift ,which was probably really far that she has to leave early then come late. Chorong went to her room then found a rabbit on her bed "Ah!" she jumped out of surprise then the rabbit spoke "relax, It's just me" it was Jungkook's voice.

His tiny paws and adorable ears were so cute that Chorong picked him up and petted him like an owner would. "Chorong, stop it" Jungkook said, sounding annoyed, but she still squeezed the rabbit in her arms on her bed. When Jungkook finally had enough, he turned back into a human and pushed Chorong's shoulders on her bed.

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