Chapter 4

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"Don't worry, Love won't be on my list for awhile" Chorong reassured Jungkook as they continued to walk wherever they were. "So where to next?" Moonbin jumped with excitement as he walked behind the two.

"We'll go to Beauty and the Beast last because you'll need to stay in Beast's castle correct?" Jungkook smiled at Chorong "so what about now?" she asked. "Now, we go to Sleeping Beauty" Jungkook then twisted the knob of a plain wooden brown door.

But before he opened the door he said "But first, you can't go to prince Yoongi looking like Jimin's princess" Jungkook snapped his fingers once again and Chorong was wearing a long white skirt, long sleeved white shirt and a brown vest, with brown flats. "Okay, ladies first" Jungkook let Chorong and Moonbin in and Jungkook closed the door behind them.

Now, they're in a forest, surrounded by the sounds of sweet birds and dancing trees. Chorong knew how this story went and started approaching small creatures and tried singing with the best voice she had:

"Come little sweet birds, Don't be shy~

Sing little sweet birds, Come and fly~

Here little sweet birds, Come say hi~"

"What kind of song is that?" asked Jungkook and Moonbin snickered "She is very quick at writing songs, she even wrote one about Fairytale Love but it isn't finished yet" "How would you know?" Jungkook asked "I was a stuffed toy that turned human remember?" Jungkook shook his head. "Right, neither of us told you" Moonbin chuckled as they waited for prince Taehyung to arrive.

Suddenly, tiny blue birds gently flew to Chorong and landed on the branches surrounding her, whistling along to Chorong's made up song. "You know, when I think about it, how was her life in the real world?" Jungkook asked. "It was great, she was happy but when family and friends started to get busy in life, they left her alone. I've never seen her so sad her boyfriend though was completely useless. Never treated her like a girlfriend, never took her out on dates, I once heard him on the phone calling some other girl when he visited Chorong but I couldn't tell her because I was a stuffed toy" Moonbin was close to tears but held it in.

"She never cried, but when everyone left, she was mostly silent. She got me when she was twelve, eight years later, she was finally going to graduate. Her graduation is 3 days from today and here she is in some other world playing as Snow White" Moonbin's voice was shaking but ignored it.

Suddenly, they heard a horse galloping, both Jungkook and Moonbin turned their heads to Chorong who was dancing with a bunch of small blue birds flying around her. Their eyes searched for a horse with a man riding it but they couldn't see it. It was probably still far away.

Chorong turned around when the galloping got louder and gasped when she saw a man with black hair and pale skin approach her. "Now what is a fair maiden doing in the middle of the forest?" Prince Yoongi asked "I'm well, it's a very relaxing place to be. No one to disturb you, just sweet animals to keep you company" she petted a tiny bunny that was just sitting next to her.

"You prefer animals than humans? That's quite odd to hear" Yoongi got off his horse "Well, humans have important things to do for their life thus leave you alone but animals, the only thing they have important to do is stay by your side" Chorong began remembering how reality had hit her life.

"I can't say you're wrong miss" Yoongi walked closer to Chorong, "what about you kind sir? Do you prefer humans or animals?" asked Chorong. "Humans from my family tend to force me to do things, so you can say that animals are what I prefer" Yoongi sat down next to her. "What is your na-" "Excuse me kind sir but it is getting late and I have somewhere to be" Chorong cut Yoongi off knowing that the name is not to be known yet.

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