I turned around and saw Sam. finishing off his last man and Steve came up behind him from the entryway of the building. " They have a biological weapon, they're going to blow it somewhere" Steve claimed seriously.

" It's got to be a place with a lot of people" I added racking my brain for nearby hotspots. " The shopping square! It's the closest place and there must have been nearly a hundred people there when I last passed there a second ago" Natasha said.

Sam put a hand to the side of his goggles seeming to be reading something off the screen. His drone was most likely up in the air sending him signals. " He is in an AFV heading north... that's the shopping square!" Sam exclaimed.

" Natasha get there ASAP we will be right behind you" Steve explained and I looked to Sam and nodded. He would have to fly himself and I over there. " Let's get this over with" I said and Sam picked me up by the arm and waist hoisting me into the air. " Don't worry I won't drop you, hopefully" Same teased.

That kind of made me want to punch him in the shoulder and I would have but if I did he actually might end up dropping me. I groaned as we seemed to get higher in the air, what can I say? I don't like heights much. Thankfully we landed in the shopping square soon after. We landed upon the top of a small hut with a wobbly metal roof.

Sam brought his hand to his goggles once more and looked and the masses of people. " I have 4 hostels, 2 heading left and 2 heading right" Sam said. I spotted the two on the right, both wearing similar black Kevlar vests and were roughly pushing people as they made their way through the crowd.

" I got the two on the right" I announced.

" I got the two on the left" Natasha replied.

I sprinted across the shabby metal rooftops that buckled under my weight slightly and jumped off the roof and onto the top of an old faded green truck. The Two men in Kevlar were continuing to push through the crowds but were now just yards away. One of them, a brunette man noticed me and rose a Barreta to shoot at me.

I rose my hand to meet him creating a shimmering force field to meet the bullets. The loud sound of the gun going off caused the crowds to scream in scurry away making a nice direct runway to the two men. I kept the force shield up until I was two feet away and met the brunette man with a roundhouse kick to the face. The second man, a shorter African man tried to shoot at me again but I snapped the gun from his hand with a quick hit from my right hand.

I kicked this man simultaneously in the right of his neck with the heel of my cargo boot but suddenly the brunette man tackled me to the floor catching me off guard. I shoved him off with a mini force bubble and lunged for the gun on the ground pointing it directly at the brunette.

" If you shoot I will drop it!" The African man yelled and I looked to see him holding what looked like a small test tube with some sort of red liquid in it. It was the biological weapon, if he dropped that little vial who knows what kind of sickness or virus could be released.

" You drop that and we are all dead" I replied harshly. The tension in the air was thick. " You think we care?" The African man asked.

Suddenly, Sam's dron appeared and shot both the men in the neck. The vial fell to the floor in almost slow motion and I reached out to grab it, procuring a small force bubble to catch it instead. The red vial was safe as I held it in my hand. " Payload is secure" I said out loud notifying the whole team.

" Thanks Sam" I added.

" Don't thank me thank him. His names Redwing" Sam replied indicating to the Drone that hovered at eye level just a few feet away from me.

" I'm not thanking that thing" I said back.

" He's cute. Go ahead pet him" Sam suggested and I rolled my eyes again.

" Whatever"

An explosion on the south side of the square caught my attention as I ran that way. The crowds of people hurried my way slowing me down as I pushed past people to try and see what was happening. It took nearly a minute and a half for the crowd to break way so I could get through.

When I finally got to the source of the small explosion I saw Steve standing over Rumlow who was kneeling on the floor. His face was burned to almost an unrecognizable waxy fixture that was in settling to just look at. He glared up at Steve with unnaturally dilated pupils that expelled insanity.

"He told me, When you gotta go you gotta go. And you're coming with me" Muslow sneered and his hand went to press what liked to be the red button of a detonator that went of with a click.

" No!" I yelled and created created a force bubble that encaptured his body, containing the bomb and Muslow inside it. Muslow screams were muted throw the force field but his incinerating body was not obscured at all. I let out a scream as I was forced down to a knee from the amount of power I was containing. My arms felt ready to break and I willed the force field upward.

Every nerve in my body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't hear anything but ringing in my ears. Even the screams of terror from the civilians and Steve's inaudible yells were all blocked out. The force bubble was halfway up a building and I just had to clear maybe 40 more feet. Suddenly it felt like my skull cracked and I collapsed to the floor. My eyes entitled blurred and I could just barely make out Steve and his shield above me protecting me from the blast of the explosion.

Above me the building was blown apart, all the windows were blown inwards. Dozens of hazy figures were running around like ants. Steve's face came more and more into focus as he tried to rehabilitate me. I felt drained, exhausted of power.

The ringing in my ears subsided slightly leering me faintly hear Steve. " Ferris!? Come on stay awake!" Steve ordered and I let out a groan of anguish as I tried to sit up. Above me we're the smoking ruins of the building. The majority of it all charred to dark grey or black. Some parts were actually on fire.

But the destruction of the building wasn't what made my stomach drop. It was the realization that dawned upon me that made me feel ready to throw up. The people that had been in that building stood no chance against that bomb. Ther had to be dozens dead or injured.

"S-Steve.... what h-h-have I done"

Lines In The Sand (Avengers Vision Romance)Where stories live. Discover now