Chapter Two ~ Problems {Part One }

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Bernadette would be lying if she said that Mr Brooke was unattractive. Oh no he was far from ugly more on the devilishly handsome side. He had long dark curly brown hair which she estimated went past his shoulder, tan skin, chocolate eyes and bright pink lips. He stood six foot five and had a voice so powerful that had everyone in the room captivated.

He was explaining how cruel the business world was and in order to the be the best you need to have a backbone and be ready to fight a world full of hungry sharks that prey on the weak. He looked at everyone in the room, his eyes searching for something then stopped when they landed on Bernie. Her dull green eyes looking into his. Bernie broke the eye contact by scribbling down some notes.

Her breath was uneven she never looked a person nonetheless a stranger for more than fourty six seconds. That right she counted. The scariest forty six seconds of her life. The students were allowed to ask Mr Brooke questions and Mrs Smith being well Mrs Smith urged Bernie to ask him questions.

Bernadette had managed to ditch her but stop a few steps from the elevator when she heard her name being called. "Aah there you are. I am truly sorry Mr Brooke for making you wait so long but here is the student I was telling you about. She is awfully shy but one of the top in the university." Mrs Smith explained.
Bernie felt like her cheeks heat up and looked at her feet. Mrs Smith was exaggerating. Bernie was number two on the top five business class while Sandra Devon was first.

"Pleasure meeting your acquaintance." Mr Brooke stretched out his hand with his face hardened as if he was finding great difficulty with something.

Bernie shook it his rough big hands taking her delicate small ones.

Never did Bernadette forget the first time she held his hand it was a moment that felt ordinary but to them it was a moment that began the extra ordinary.


Bernie watched as Chelsea dry heaved her avocado salad with chicken wings covered in sweet chilli sauce and a Fanta Orange cold drink. After riding a ferris wheel. She would say it was the first time she had to handle puke but she would be lying. It was part of her job at the amusement park.

"I can't go out like this. Please tell Darren that I've been chased by a bear into the forest and will only come back next week." Chels pleaded. That was something she loved about Chelsea, she could come up with the craziest thing and yet you would believe it.

It was actually how the two became best friends.

Chelsea was running as fast as her legs could carry her which by the way wasn't very far since she was plump. Her brother Jonathan had pulled a prank on the head master with toilet paper and fish mixed with chocolate pudding which was something no one would like to explain. Chelsea was keeping look out when Jonas tossed the bag to her and ran away. Turns out the head master was out on their trails.

Needing to catch a break, Chelsea saw a girl standing near the lockers wearing heavy make up. She threw the bag hoping the girl would catch it but it fell and all of its contents were spread in the hallway. "Why didn't you catch it!?!" She shrieked.
"It could've been drugs!" She yelled back as the two ran as fast as they could.

But they were trapped by the closed library doors. Trying their best to push it open, the two girls failed. A small petite figure opened the door. This figure had many books covering her face. Chelsea helped her since she obviously could not see while doing this she caught a glimpse of the stranger's name on one of her books.The principal took a sharp turn and stomped towards the girls. "Chelsea Margaret Ryan! To my office!" He exclaimed.

"Why sir?" Chelsea put on her best confused expression.

"Do not play dumb with me Ryan I know that you were responsible for the mess in my office. Now you are going to clean it up as well as the mess I stumbled across on my way here. Am I clear?" At this point he was fuming and face was extremely red reminding Chelsea of a tomato.

"I was helping my friend here, Bernie with her books." The girl, Bernie looked into the head master's piercing eyes and unintentionally bobbed her head. She saw a bit of guilt in his eyes and decided to use this to advantage.

"Is this what my ancestors fought for on this soil? This kind of treatment? Not only am I being prevented from helping my best bud from almost loosing all her front teeth but I am also being accused of something I do not have any idea of." She said loudly attracting as much attention as possible.

Everyone knew that he couldn't cope when there was a crowd around him.

Chelsea made him apologise even though he was in every way possible correct.

"You should have pulled not push." Bernie said softly looking at this crazy human.

"I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends." Chelsea said with her signature mischievous smile.

And indeed she was right. "Chels you know just as much as I do that Darren isn't going to believe that. You might as well continue the date besides the night is not over yet."

That was the thing that Chelsea hated second most about Bernadette. She was always right. The first is the fact that she could see through Chelsea with one glance. It made suprising her difficult.

"You're right." She mumbled under her breath putting  her knee high red dress back into its place. "But you've got to admit I looked pretty hot puking." She said randomly.

"Chelsea you are a mess." Bernie laughed

"A hot mess." Chelsea added.

Unknown POV

He sat on his bright red love seat sipping one of his many Jack Daniels observing the young male that had stepped in his office a few moments ago. They had meetings like this but in public places. It was the first time he was doing this.

"What did you find?" He said taking a sip.

"The will states that they need to marry each other before the girl gets the fortune." The mysterious young man answered.

"Have they decided yet?" He asked

"No both of them are hesitating." His informat replied.

"Well then I guess we'll just have to cause a little problem won't we?" He laughed darkly.

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