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Graphic depictions of violence. Viewer discretion is advised
These will be in bold so anyone who wishes can skip over them.

I felt like I looked suspicious. In a large crowd, I was the only one wearing a hood over my head and purple skin. It was a busy corner, packed with Alteans buzzing about. Today is Prince Lance’s coronation. He was to be crowned king of a small kingdom.

While everyone was busy watching the ceremony, I was to sneak into the castle and find some information about where the Voltron lions were located. I was not to let anyone get in the way of the search. If someone did, I was given specific orders to kill them.

Hopefully, I wouldn't end up like the last person who went on this mission. When the king before Prince Lance died, someone was sent to find the same information on the day of the funeral. He forgot to disable the security cameras and was caught and killed. I had already disabled the cameras last night from my ship. That way, I wouldn't forget. At least I wouldn't have to worry about that part.

Trumpets started to blare. The crowd went wild. I snuck closer to the platform they would be walking down. From there, I would enter a side door and make my way down to the computer mainframe.

Prince Lance walked out, full of sophistication and grace. His white hair was wild, but neat somehow. A long, dark cloak billowed behind him as he gracefully stalked down the catwalk. A priest walked behind him with a tall hat and some Altean bible thing.

Now was the time to go. But why couldn't I move? My legs were glued to the spot. I grabbed the sides of my hood so it wouldn't fall off.

The prince looked at me. That was it. My cover was blown. His dazzling blue eyes locked with mine. Oh man. I failed already. He winked and puckered his lips at me. I felt my cheeks get warm. No, not just warm. Hot. I ran off towards the side door.

Holy fuck. That was terrible. I better get this done fast before he tells someone there was a Galra in the crowd. There was a hand scanner to get in. The scanner obviously wouldn't accept my hand. Good thing I came prepared. I pulled a small blade out of my pocket and pried off the scanner. A few small crystals were floating in the control board. One of these crystals was the key to opening the door, but which one? There was something significant about it, but what? Was it the biggest? The smallest? I racked my brain, trying to remember. Nothing came to mind. Without thinking, I
snatched one of them and stuffed it in my pocket. Once I had placed the scanner back on the wall, the door slid apart. Access was granted.

That was nerve wracking. I quickly jumped through the door and shut it gently behind me, careful not to make too much noise and draw attention to myself. So far so good. Now, I just needed to find the central control bridge.

Obviously not wanting to end up like the last guy, I had come prepared for this. In another one of my pockets was a map of the castle's layout. The control bridge was about 500 metres away from where I was currently standing. I had better hurry I don't know how long the coronation would last. Going as fast as I silently could, I raced down the corridor. The bridge was nearing fast.

Only 100 metres.


I had made it to the door and no one had yet spotted me. This was unbelievable. My luck was never this good.


It wouldn't get any better just standing around, though. Before opening the door, I looked up and down the long narrow hallway, like a toddler about to cross the street. No one from the left. No one from the right. The coast was all clear. I slipped into the bridge, opening the door as little as possible.

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