The Prince and The Pauper

Start from the beginning

"Did you still want ice cream, or you want me to fix you something else?"

His voice trailed around the oversized kitchen, towards a double door refridgerator. His hands pulled open the doors, revealing cases, drawers and containers of different varieties of food and drink. That only made my stomach growl even more.

Mr. Perez's head swirled around to my boyish figure and I started itching. My skin does that whenever I feel nervous.

"...Maybe, we'll just have ice cream. Do you know what flavor you want?"

I didn't respond, not knowing how to approach the question. No one's ever asked me what I liked.

"Well, maybe we can just have my favorite. Cookies and cream."

Seconds later, he pulled out a tub full of ice cream, unopened. He sat it on the table, along with two spoons. I watched him open the tub and dig his spoon in, taking the first scoop.

"...Mhmm, Mariah you don't know what you're missing."

He went scoop after scoop, until I couldn't hold it anymore. Without thinking, I picked up the spoon and dipped it in the large tub. Willingly, I ate the spoonful and felt the Oreo cookie flavoring on my tongue. It was a cold shiver, that ran up my spine.

This was delicious.

I had began eating a little faster, completely forgetting my diet plan.

"Wow, you must really like it, huh?"

I stopped, after shoving a huge spoonful, once his words spilled from his lips. I felt embarrassed, for eating so much food in one sitting.

"You know, you can eat as much as you want. I promise I'll keep the house stocked."

I just gave a small nod, so he knew I understood him. We continued eating in silence for a while.

"So, you're fifteen, right?"

Isn't he supposed to know that?

To be polite, I nodded.

"And in high school. That's big. You like high school?"

No...I hate school. The kids there make fun of me and treat me like some sort of animal. I hate the teachers, they just ignore me. There's really no fun for me. I have no friends and I can't seem to grasp onto the concept of learning. Damn my disadvantages.

"N-n-noooo..." I mumbled. He stared at me, as I put my spoon down. The flashbacks of the past week came into play, on this Friday evening.

"Why don't you like school?"

I know he's only trying to start a conversation, but he doesn't have to pretend like he cares. We both know-the whole world knows-he's not sincere. I stood from the bar stool, holding back the cold tears.

"Exxx-cusse m-m-meeee....."

I ran out the kitchen, up the winding staircase and into my new bedroom. I went to close the door, and locked it. I didn't want any visitors. I crashed onto the bed, my face buried into the pillow. The horrid memories of what could've happened, brought heavy anxiety.

"Mariah? Are you alright, do you need anything?"

His soft knocks played at the door. I wiped my tears quickly. I didn't want him to know I cried my first night here, he'd probably tell all his friends about me. He'd probably turn me into the biggest laughing stock and his personal reality show everynight. He probably only allowed me to stay here, cause he needed some comic relief in his so-called busy life.

He's probably laughing at you right now.

"I-I j-just....I just wanted to check in on you. Y-you ran out the kitchen so fast, I-I thought you were sick."

You would think he was the one with a speech problem. Why is he so nervous, anyway?

"Mariah, can you please just come and open the door? As your new legal gaurdian, I need to know you're okay."

I looked towards the door. He had been jingling the handle for a long time. I wiped the stray tears and slowly approached the door. I unlocked the knob and opened it, revealing a worry filled man, taking a sigh of relief. His lips curled into a smile, but before he could open them to speak, I felt my stomach failing on me. I ran past the older man, towards the bathroom, just down the other side of the hall. I bent over the toilet and vomited.

You shouldn't have eaten.

My body was still, as I laid in my new bed. The sheets felt like heaven on my cold body. It was pitch black outside...

But this is New York.

Where are the street lights? Where is the beam of city lights piercing through my window? Why can't I hear the honks of cars?

It's so dark and lonely.

It was so quiet, I could hear the faint creak of the door openining. I squinted my eyes tightly, but never moved. After a while, something heavy pressed it self against the bed. I felt the dip, but I also felt something slip and brush by my arm. I still didn't move, now too afraid to.


The familiar voice called out my name. The darkness. It came and visited me almost every night. But this night was different; something felt different. There wasn't that one beam of light behind it and there wasn't any other sign of life besides me and the darkness. For the very first time, we were both alone.


I refused to open my eyes, knowing there really wasn't a point. It would still be dark. My legs began to feel restrained. I whimpered, feeling the coldness of the dark against my skin. I had nothing on but what I went to sleep in. The shorts barely covered past my knees. Something was holding me, or holding onto me. The darkness clutched my body and wouldn't let me go.


The piercing sting of tears hit the brims of my eyes, but I fought to keep them from falling. The dip on my bed went away, but only because the weight of the darkness overpowered me, pinning me to the bed. I tried to keep calm, tried to stay relaxed and not cause anymore trouble. I know what I did was displeasing to my dear friend. He hates it when I disobey him, so he punishes me. I didn't listen and now I was getting what I deserved.

You know I hate it when you don't listen to me, Mariah, Why do you continue to do shit your own way?!

Its hands clutched my arms, stabbing its fingernails into my skin. I bit my lip to keep from screaming out, in pain. The pain was unbearable, and I tried to stop it, but it just continued ripping my flesh, slowly. It was torturing me on purpose. By the time the flesh was gone, I couldn't hold it in anymore and I shrieked. I guess it didn't like that, because it started choking me, cutting off my air supply. My eyes did flash open, and I saw it. I saw the outline of the darkness. It was a man, muscular, very strong. I couldn't see his face, for he was hiding it in the dark. That was all I could see, though. But there was something familiar about him....

You belong to me, now. Nobody else.

I tried to pry his fingers from around my neck, tried to remove his body from around me. Nothing worked, my struggles only came off as motivation to choke me harder. My eyes started to roll to the back of my head, my hands sliding down my assailant's huge biceps. The world was slowing down.



Wow, what a dream....

Who do y'all think is the darkness?

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