Chapter 7: Truth

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"Jagiya?" I stop Jinki from dragging me by a sudden stop in following him.

He seems to be back in reality. "Omo... What have I done? Mianhe jagiya."

I look at him confusedly. "What's going on? Why are you so upset?"

He shakes his head. "Aniyo... Did she do something harmful to you?"

I shake my head. "Aniyo. She was nice to me."

"Nice? Jeongmal?"

"Why would I lie jagiya?"

He releases a breath. "That's good. What did you tell her about why you were there in our practice room?"

"I'm a SHINee fan. Wae? Is it wrong to befriend a trainee here?"

"Aniyo. From now on, stay away from her. I don't want her to do to you the same thing she did before."

"Wae? Who is Ha-Eun in your life then?" I flip his hand from holding my hand. I sigh as I look at him and ready myself.

He opens another door. "Let's get inside." It's the piano room.

We stare to each other's eyes after we get in. I cross my arms on my chest as I wait for him to answer me.

"Ha-Eun... She was the reason why I had a break up with my ex. She's her sister. I didn't know that she was telling lies behind her sister's back. She was already a trainee here at that time, so from time to time, I can see her. I didn't know too that she liked me since way back then. She set upped her sister for me to hate her. It was too late when I knew about the truth."

I walk towards him. "You made me worried a lot. Aishh... We just met today okay? There's no reason for me to widen it. So please, stop worrying."

He hugs me. "Arasseo. I don't want to lose you. Not you."

"Bwoya? Then I'll hold on to you even if you turn your back on me." I return his hug. "I'm scary right?"

He chuckles. "A bit."


"Kaja... Let's go back to our practice room."

I nod.


"Ohh, looks like you two are okay already?" The boys tease us.

"Why would we not?" I ask them back.

"Does she already know hyung?" Minho asks.

"Ne. I told her everything." Jinki looks at me.

"Aigoo, you should be careful to her noona. Good thing you didn't say that you are hyung's girlfriend... Ani... Fiancée. Else, she'll be mad." Taemin says it while pouting.

"Arasseo, I will take care. Gomawo." I smile to them.

We stop our chit chatting when their manager arrives. I was shy to their manager, but I manage to feel comfortableness when I found out that their manager is so funny.

"Thank you jagiya." Jinki smiles widely at me when I hand him his water. They are having a break.

I also hand the others with their water before I sit beside Jinki. I wipe his sweat. "Aigoo, you should not let your sweat dry to your body. You should wipe it always."

"Yaa... Didn't I tell you not to over publicize your affection? Aishh..." Jonghyun teases us.

Jinki merongs to his dongsaeng. "Envy dinosaur. Go get yourself a girlfriend too." Jinki throws him a towel.

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