Entry Number 1

946 36 9

September 3, 2010

Dear Journal,
Today I met the woman I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life. My soulmate. If only she would see that we are meant to be together too.

I saw her today when she was studying on the collage campus lawn earlier today. She is the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Her shoulder length hair is a dark brown that shines a shade of red in the sunlight. It contrasts with her pale and flawless skin. To add to that, she has the most gorgeous big grey eyes. I wanted to fall into the depths of her eyes the moment I saw her. My heart beat faster and faster and I suddenly couldn't remember how to breathe. Nothing in the world mattered but her. I instantly knew that she is my soul mate.

I decided to sit on a bench to watch her study on the grass. She had on a blue dress that fitted her curves perfectly and she had a pair of black boots and tights to go with it. She eventually pulled her dark hair up into a messy bun so it wouldn't get in her face while she was looking at her laptop. She laid on her stomach by herself with her laptop out in front of her. She was working intently on something and I desperately wanted to know what it was. Everything about her was intriguing. I want to know everything about her, but for now I observed her.

Her long eyelashes covered her grey eyes for most of the time because she was always looking down at her laptop. She would just stare at her screen in thought while slightly biting her lip. Once she was done thinking, her nimble fingers danced across the keyboard and instead of biting her lip, she would barely stick her tongue out from between her lips. Her huge grey eyes would squint and she would bob her head up and down, looking down at her hands then up at the screen. Occasionally I saw her mouth the words as she typed, but she never spoke. The process repeated itself over and over again and I never got tired of watching her.

After two and a half hours of working on her laptop she looked at her phone and suddenly jumped up to leave. She looked frantic and seemed to be in a hurry as she grabbed all of her things and stuffed them into her bag. As she ran off, I watched as she straightened her dress and dusted off any grass and dirt that was there. I quickened my steps to follow her into the coffee shop where she ordered herself a plain black coffee. For the short woman she was, she was fast, which made me slightly out of breath chasing her.

While I tried to steady my breathing, I decided that I had to interact with her at one point or another if I was going to show her we are soul mates. So, I walked into the shop as well and ordered the first thing I saw on the menu. Whenever the barista yelled the name "Cathrine" my soul mate quickly weaved between the many people in the shop, grabbed the coffee, and turned to run out.

What she didn't seem to anticipate was the fact that I would be right behind her when she turned around. She managed to not spill her coffee on me, but her chest still collided with mine. She looked up into my eyes and didn't say anything for a second. She had some hair from her messy bun fall in front of her face and I barely stopped myself from tucking it behind her ear. I was expecting a smile or something along those lines when she looked up at me, but no. She just blushed a light pink and said "Sorry!" before dashing out of the shop and leaving me behind.

I was in too much of shock to run after her. She was even more beautiful up close than she was at a distance! I saw some freckles dusted across her cheeks and nose that I hadn't seen before. She had a small scar above her right eye and I hope that one day she'll tell me the story behind it. Not only did I see her up close, but I got to hear her angelic voice. Granted, it was only one word, but it was spoken so smoothly it made my heart pound even harder if that is even possible. I can't wait to hear her wonderful voice again.

While I am happy about meeting my soul mate, I am still confused about something. Why didn't she understand that I am her soul mate? Isn't it obvious? She should have known who I was as soon as she saw me. Maybe she did realize we are soul mates, but panicked and that's why she was rushing out of the coffee shop. That's ok. She'll have all the time in the world  to adjust to finding her soul mate in the future.

I guess it doesn't matter at the moment. I found out her name. Cathrine. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman. It fits her absolutely perfectly.

If she doesn't already know we are soul mates, then I can't wait for her to realize what we are to each other. It really shouldn't take that long. After all, we are soul mates! Nothing can stop us from our happy ending. I'll look for her on the collage campus tomorrow as well. Maybe we'll be able to have a conversation or a coffee together. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a great day.

Thank you for listening Journal. It always helps to talk to you.

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