Ch. 5

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Ch. 5

Harry's friend Hermione seemed frozen, staring at his outstretched hand but unsure of whether or not she wanted to shake it. Percy tried not to be offended but it was hard considering he'd literally just met this chick and she was acting like he was trying to hand her a flask of Greek Fire.

He pulled his hand back, his face a combination of miffed and confused, "Or not, I guess."

Harry glared at his friend, "Hermione! Are you mental? This is my cousin, Percy! Don't be rude!"

Hermione shook her head like she was coming out of a daze, "Your cousin? He just, what, appeared at your door a couple days before you go to Hogwarts?"

"Hermione!" Hagrid said in a scolding tone.

Harry's face had gone from surprised to genuinely angry, "Actually, he came to stay with the Dursleys. We're related on our mum's side and a letter came from Hogwarts and then Professor Dumbledore himself came to speak with Percy."

"Dumbledore came to Little Whinging?" Hermione now looked taken aback.

"Yes," Harry said curtly. "And turns out Percy is the first wizard in his line for a few generations. Gringotts verified his magical bloodline and gave him access to his family vault."

Hermione looked at Percy and he could see the regret in her eyes as she extended her hand to him.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm gonna take a hard pass on that handshake now."

Hermione frowned and started to pull her hand back, looking quite embarrassed. Harry was still glaring at her for questioning the first family outside of the Dursleys he'd ever met.

"Totally kidding," Percy chuckled as he reached forward and caught her hand before it was out of reach. "Random people showing up claiming to be wizards sounds pretty fishy to me too."

Hermione looked surprised but didn't hesitate to shake his hand this time, "I'm sorry for that. It's just..."

Percy cut her off as he held her hand, "Seriously, not a big deal. I mean, from what I've gathered, people don't randomly show up and find out their wizards at sixteen. You're suspicions seem pretty justified."

Hermione looked down at her hand still held in his larger, rough hand and her cheeks reddened a little. Percy noticed and quickly let go.

"Yes, well, that was still rather rude of me. I apologize for that. So you're Harry's cousin?"

"Distantly," Percy nodded. "My mom was like second or third cousins with his mom. But for all intents and purposes, yes, Harry here is my cousin. One of the few I've met that I like." He smiled as he thought about his "cousins and seconds cousins" at Camp Half Blood. He actually liked Nico and Thalia but the rest was a mixed bag. He couldn't honestly say he was a huge fan of the Ares cabin though they did come through in the end.

He noticed Harry and Hermione staring at him and realized he'd been spacing out thinking about camp.

"So," he looked back at Hagrid. "Books next?"

"Right," Hagrid nodded.

"What are you doing here, Hermione?" Harry asked. He still looked a tad angry but tried not to show it.

"I'm here with Ron and his family." She answered. "They're in Flourish and Blotts."

"Oh, that's great!" Hagrid boomed. "I was supposed to drop you two off with the Ron after we we're done here anyway. This will save me the trip."

Percy Jackson and The Hogwarts ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now