Ch. 1

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Ch. 1

Percy Jackson trudged down the jetway from his plane and into London International Airport.

He probably should have been nervous, especially considering he'd just flown across the Atlantic Ocean after he'd been explicitly warned years earlier that if he ever got into another plane, he'd never survive to see solid ground again. Apparently though, it seemed Zeus had decided he'd earned a free pass.

Because that was totally an equal gift to the one he'd given Zeus and the others gods...

If he could go back, he wouldn't have done any of it.

He wouldn't have gone to Camp Half Blood.

He wouldn't have undertaken all those deadly quests over the past four years.

He wouldn't have led an army of less than one hundred demigods against a monster army thousands strong.

And he definitely wouldn't have battled the Titan Lord Kronos, inhabiting the body of a demigod who been his friend briefly, and saved Olympus and in turn, all of western civilization.

Nope; the moment he saw Grover's furry legs, he would have dropped stopped in his tracks, thrown Grover out of the car, and made his mom turn them around and go back to New York.

None of that was worth the price he paid in the end.

Sure they'd won the war and saved the world and yada yada yada... But watching his best friend, the girl he never even got a chance to tell how he really felt, die before his very eyes was not something he was willing to give. He'd given the gods everything and in turn they took the only thing that truly mattered to him.

And after all of that, they'd tried to make him a god.

Pfft... Spending any time, let alone eternity, with the gods of Olympus was literally the last thing he wanted.

Yup, he turned down immortality. Just about any rational person would think he was an idiot. But they obviously didn't know the gods. They didn't know those ungrateful, manipulative worms for what they really were. If they did, they would turn and try to get as far away from Olympus and those gods as they could.

And that, as his mother explained to him, is why he found himself standing alone in London International Airport. She thought it would be good for him to get away for a while.

An entire school semester, apparently.

His Mom had a second cousin or something from England and she'd almost had to beg to get Petunia to agree to let him stay until the holidays. His Mom said Petunia had been oddly worried about Percy's safety in London, as if there would be anything worse than what he already been through in New York.

Of course, Petunia clearly didn't know he was a demigod. Considering his life for the past few years, he was quite capable of taking care of himself. A semester with a bunch of wimpy Brits wasn't even going to make the top one hundred of situations where he was in danger.

If only he knew how utterly wrong he was...

He looked around, wondering where the Hades this Aunt Petunia or her husband, Vernon, were. Did they have the wrong flight information? He looked around for anyone that looked like they might be looking for someone then shrugged his shoulders, deciding he'd get his luggage and then look around some more.

As he waited for his bags to appear on the conveyor belt, he felt the all too familiar sensation that someone was watching him. His hand moved to his pocket where Riptide had ridden throughout the flight; airport security clearly wasn't attuned to detecting mythological weapons as his sword went through the checkpoints without issue.

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