oml (idk what to name these anymore)

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Mark's p.o.v.

y/n and ethan just both fell onto the floor, unconsious, while we were live.

"oh lord, tyler, pause the stream!" I say while running to ethan and y/n's sides. Tyler ran over pausing the stream, leaving everyone in shock. I knew about ethan and him passing out when he is nervous... but not y/n, maybe she does that too?

I pulled them onto the couch, them beside eachother and I look over to tyler.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YA THINKIN?" I scream at him making him flinch.

"I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WOULD BOTH PASS OUT!" he screamed back in defense.

I ran down the halls and got some cold cloths to put over there heads. I then decide to pull the stream off pause and explain to the crew what happened.

I stand up and walk over to the camera, taking it off the stand and making it face me, with tyler sitting on my right watching the two.

I hit a couple buttons and the stream pops up again.

"hey guys! sorry if we left you on a limb here, but we're having a few technical difficulties with our techies over here so, we'll end it here, sorry it was only a twenty minute stream, but be on the look out for more! thanks for watching buh-bye!" I waved to the camera before shutting it down and taking the stream off the live.

I glance over at the two unconsious people lying on the couch and get up to walk over to them.

"do you think we should call an ambulance?" Asks Ty.

I shake my head no.

"they just got a little head-rush, that's all, I'm sure they'll be fine, except for the awkward moments after they wake up..." I say looking down at the two.

Tyler began to smirk as he looked down at the two ans I got curious to what he was thinking.

"Oh no, Tyler what now?" I saw with sass in my tone.

He looked at me and then stood up, glancing back down at the two.

"what if we just...." Tyler says while grabbing ethan's arm and wrapping it around y/n and pushing her into his chest.

I couldn't help but giggle and grab out my phone to take a photo. When I did, I posted it immediatley, tagging Ethan and y/n into it.

"dude, the're gonna be pissed when they wake up y'know" I say containing my giggles.

"but this is adorable c'mon!" Tyler says.

I nod in agreement and pull open twitter to respond to some tweets.

"oh dear, senpai has a new crush... that bitch better pay @y/n" 

reply: "Pay with buckets of love, puppies and blue hair dye"

"I'm proud of Ethan, he finally found himself a girl"

reply: "pffft, we forced them into this, shhhh don't tell anyone!"

I was about to read another tweet until tyler said y/n was waking up. I looked over, and to my suprise, Y/n woke up shocked as hell.

"uhhhh, wh-what h-happened while I-I passed out?" She said nervously while furiously blushing.

She picked up the damp cloth off her head and fixed her h/l h/c hair.

"don't worry, we pit you there haha!" I say making her sigh in relief.

She looked over at ethan and took the cloth off his face aswell then poked it, thinking it was the funniest thing ever. Ethan began to move around making y/n jump from the couch and run to the other side of the room.

blue beginnings- (Ethan x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt