"Don't be fair towards the Daleks when they're firing me towards a planet" The Doctor chimed back almost offended.

"Wait what do you want with them?" The Doctor questioned as he pointed to his companions in an almost desperation.

"It is known that the doctor requires companions"

"Great, so we are all collateral damage?" Florence asked no one in particular.

"Trust me, every day you're collateral in this group" Rory spoke beside her and an almost calming tone that made Florence trust him instantly. She decided that she liked the poor boy.

"Don't worry, you will be just fine. I promise, just hold on and I will get you home" The Doctor told her softly next to where they stood. Florence gave a deep sigh, tucking the shorter front pieces of her hair behind her ears as she simply nodded at the madman.

The Doctor then tried to reassure the redhead next to him, however, she seemed to have other plans as she burst "Scared? Who's scared. Geronimo!". Grinning from ear to ear as if it was the best day of her life.

"I DON'T LIKE THIS" Florence squeaked as she was pushed into the swimming light of the portal. She heard screams behind her as she noticed Rory falling head-first and was just so thinking about what font his tombstone should be written in.


FLORENCE AWOKE WITH A LARGE GASP as she shot up in a panicked state. She found herself in a sat-down position frantically searching her surroundings, she swore she could feel her neck snap to the noise emitting from next to her. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when she noticed Rory sprawled out next to her, face down on the floor. But alive.

"Oh Rory, thank the stars " She gasped as she rolled Rory over and hugged him out of nowhere.

"Oh-" Rory huffed as Florence pelted into him with too much force for his already fragile body. unsure as to what to do, he found himself slowly wrapping his arms around Florence, awkwardly patting her back.

"I'm glad you're not dead"

"It's okay you get used to it after a while " He half-joked.


"Oh- I'll explain later. Come on " Rory dismissed the conversation casually as Florence eyed him in suspicion and shock. Was he an alien? but he looks so normal.

so did Mrs Walklett. She grimaced.

The duo scoped out the environment they were in once they got off the floor. The lightbulb flickering above them gave the room an eerie feel as Rory took out his torch and his light hovered over a dusty Dalek which looked out of order.

Florence caught sight of an abnormal crack on the top of the Dalek, which so happened to look like a lightning scar.

"Hey look" she whispered. "It's Dalek who lived"Florence finished the sentence, grinning stupidly at her joke. Rory was letting out a chuckle himself and giving Florence a high five. When suddenly the head of the Dalek started spinning, letting the pair know that it had awoken.

They both turn to look at each other with wide eyes, communicating with nothing but eye contact. They decided to slowly but surely move backwards, trying to be silent with every step. That was until Rory lost his balance and slipped over a metal bar on the floor, which caused Florence to jump back into another activated Dalek.

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