"Oh yeah, sorry."

"Don't be. It's cute." Derek admired, planting a kiss on his forehead before making his way out of bed. "I'm planning to shower, feel free to join me." You don't have to tell Stiles twice.


"Well if isn't the badass himself." Jackson chimed while clapping a hand on Stiles' shoulder. The pack came over for dinner to Derek's loft, a sort of celebratory thing.

"Is that a compliment? From THE Jackson Whittemore?" Stiles asked sarcastically earning himself an eye roll. Hey, it's about the only compliment Jackson has given to someone besides himself or Lydia, Stiles had to call him out on it.

"I heard you were quite the hero, maybe enough to make a girl catch a crush." Lydia winked. She was joking of course, but it was a good joke minus Derek who was now growling next to Stiles.

"I get it, I'm amazing. Really. I expect a monument in the town square." Stiles said bowing down to his 'admirers'. Jackson rolled his eyes but Scott and Issac let out a few hoots and hollers. (A/N pretty sure I've been mixing how I spell Issac's name this whole book I apologize)

"If I put on a movie will you all shut up." Derek pleaded, already done with the teenagers shit.

"Don't be such a sourwolf, I thought we were celebrating." Stiles teased while grabbing Derek's cheeks and squishing them together. If looks could kill...

"You're one brave man, Stilinski." Issac chuckled while shaking his head. Stiles shrugged and turned back to his scowling boyfriend, but Stiles knows better, Derek might looks like he's ready to pounce and rip his throat out, but he's still going to cuddle Stiles all night long. It's a pretty sweet deal.

"Whatever. I don't want to be around all of you so I guess I'll go get you guys pizza." Derek huffed, grabbing his keys off the coffee table and making his way out of the loft. Stiles even got to sneak a peak at his ass on the way out, score. Stiles made his way over to the couch and flopped down next to Scott who was currently ruffling Issac's curls.

"Why are your boyfriends panties in such a twist today?" Jackson sneered from across the room. Lydia and Stiles rolled their eyes in sync; Oh, Jackson.

"Couldn't tell ya. We was great this morning. Well, more than great actually." Stiles said feeling himself blush.

"Ew bro, I do not want to hear about you and Derek doing it, I can hear it enough." Scott groaned making a fake puking noise.

"That's not what I meant!" Stiles interjected, his eyes wide with embarrassment. "He said that he'll follow me to wherever I go to college, like live with me and stuff." He explained.

"Derek said that? As in my brother?" Cora asked in amazement. "I didn't know he was capable of being so romantic." Stiles shrugged but he felt the same way. He knew Derek liked him, obviously, but it is surprising that he's offering to uproot his life just so he can be with Stiles. It shows how dedicated he is, and Stiles can't help but let his mind drift to the M word one day in the future.

"Speaking of, where are all you guys going to college?" Scott asked as he shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth. Lydia instantly peeked up and a huge smile spread across her face.

"NYU, I've been dreaming of going there ever since I was a little girl." If anyone was to leave the west coast and head to a big city, it certainly would be Lydia. She's too big for Beacon Hills, she was destined for great things.

"I've got a few D1 scholarships to play lacrosse, but I haven't made any final decisions." Jackson smirked, thinking that he's the shit just because he's moving on to play lacrosse in college. Whatever. Stiles is still good and he doesn't need wolf powers to help him score.

"Jesus, everyones got it all figured out except for me." Issac sighed resting his head in his hands. Stiles knows that feeling; Although he knows he wants to study criminology, he still has absolutely no idea where he wants to go. He keeps getting all these emails and letters from colleges and it's too overwhelming. He wishes he could just fast forward to when he's already enrolled and taking classes.

"You'll figure it out." Scott said with a smile trying to reassure Issac. Isaac gave back a weak smile and nodded his head, it was probably more to ease Scott rather than himself. The pack eventually settled and was 20 minutes into the Avengers when Derek finally came home. He set down a pizza and when Stiles' eyes met his he made a gesture for Stiles to follow him upstairs. The whole time Stiles was wondering what he did wrong this time. Once the two reached Derek's bedroom Derek shut the door before facing Stiles.

"Am I in trouble?" Stiles asked, as if he was a little kid who's mom just found out he did something wrong. Derek just chuckled and shook his head. "Well then, why'd you make time leave the party?" Derek smirked and moved himself up against Stiles, his boner pushing into the boys leg.

"I wanted you all to myself."  Derek began to place soft kisses all over Stiles' neck, causing the boy to moan.

"Under one condition." Stiles said pulling away which made Derek groan. "Marry me."

Derek smiled at the boy before pulling a tiny black box out of the pocket of his leather jacket. "That can be arranged."

AHHHH it's done!! This is actually the first fanfic I've made myself finish lol
Thank you guys for reading & voting & commenting that honestly means so much to me :-)
I'm posting a one shot book soon so make sure to check it out if you want more sterek!!

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