Chapter 30- Qualifyed Love Experts

Start from the beginning

"None of your business!" I exclaimed as I crossed my arms across my chest. There was just something about him that set me off.

"I wish I was there to see it unfold. Bet it was hilarious!" Ash continued to smirk at me with an amused glint in his chocolate orbs. Serena lightly slapped his arm and glared daggers at him.

"Don't tease her Ash, it was an accident." She scolded him. Immediately, the raven haired trainer began to settle.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself. Just look at her!" He defended. If there was ever a time I wanted looks to kill, it would be now, for the daggers I was shooting his way with my stare were sharp enough to kill without drawing blood.

Damn obnoxious trainer...

"Yeah, yeah I get it, I look like a sun dried pig with hair. Now help me out of this ditch!" I demanded, causing a few more chuckles to escape Ash's mouth.

Noivern successfully managed to pull me out, clutching my arms in his predator claws and dragging me with the force of his powerful wings. The bat Pokemon gently placed me on the ground next to Serena who blew out a breath of relief.

"Thank you so much Noivern for saving me, yet again." I thanked the Pokemon while Ash returned him to his Pokeball. "I've got to stop doing stupid things..." I mumbled to myself.

I turned to find Ash looking at me with an eyebrow raised, as if he was expecting something from me. I glared back, not speaking a single word to see if he would speak up. He never did.

"I hope you're not expecting a thank you 'cause you aren't going to get one." I stated. Ash's face fell, clearly not understanding my reasonings. He was a boy who needed guidance in most aspects of life except, excluding Pokemon battling, and I was impatient. It wasn't a good mix, and I knew that, but I still wanted his presence, no matter how much I denied it.

"Why not? I helped you." He argued, annoyance seeping into the curve of his frown.

"No, Noivern helped me while you laughed in the background. Not worth my breath." I concluded, flicking my hair with emphasis and thus causing specks of dirt to spew into the air.

"Well, my Pokemon and I are a package deal." He pointed out matter-of-factly. I simply shook my head.

"What a shame."

"Would you two quit arguing? We have people in Lumious City to meet!" Serena butted in, causing both of us to silence. We glared at each other regardless, each stare as piercing as the opposing.

Once we had packed up our campsite, we were on our way towards the grand elegant city. It's classic brick road streets lined with exquisite cafes and restaurants were very inviting. The endless selection of designer boutiques that dotted flowery boulevards were eye pleasing. And the bakeries that filled the streets with a wild aroma of sugary treats were my absolute favorite. My mouth began to water at the very thought.

"Elaina, do you think we could have another love lesson today, it's been a while." A familiar voice asked in my ear. His breath sent vibrations down my spine that chilled every vertebrate as it went.

"Not a chance. Ask again tomorrow when I'm more pleased with you." I told the boy before skipping away with a smug smile etched across my face.

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