"Jayce Morgans"

I internally groan as he speaks my name and nod


He looks up and smiles as our eyes meet again.

One Mississippi

Two Mississippi

Three Mississippi

Four Mississippi

Snap out of it J.

"What do you think?" Hanna whispers as she leans over towards me

"Who?" I ask as I eye Mr. Price.

"Him" she hisses as she looks at me smirking

Hanna knew I was gay. Everyone in my school knew I was an open gay. Thanks to the blabber mouth that sat beside me and I called my best friend. Most of the school was cool about it. Others not so much. They tried to beat me up and shit,but considering I beat up their toughest guy, standing at 5'6 they quickly backed down.  My mom was cool with me when I came out to my family a little over two years ago. She claimed that "I always knew you were gay" my dad was a little less accepting considering that his only son is gay. But over time he got used to it and our father - son bond is stronger than ever. My older sisters freaked out when they found out I was gay and have been trying too hook me up with any guy they met. I respectively declined. The younger sisters didn't know much about what it meant to be gay. So my parents haven't really spoken about it.

"He's pretty hot" I groan as he stands on his tip toes to reach the top shelf where the textbook lay hidden.

"He's fucking gorgeous" she whines "to bad he's gay"

"How the fuck do you know?" I laugh as I open my book to the said page.

"He just is. I have a gay vibe radar thing" she smirks

"Shut up" I laugh

I told Hanna that I was gay and she said "finally you decide to tell me. Thought you'd always be a Narnia gay"

"Sure you do" I chuckle slapping her in the back of the head.

She whines and throws a pencil at me

"You're so mean"

"You started it" I shrug sticking my tongue out at her


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -

"Mom can I head out with Hanna?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen to see my mom and dad jump apart a smile on the both of their faces "Uhm eew?"

"Shut up you turd" my mom laughs "What are you and Hanna going to go do?"

"I was going to help her study for our test tomorrow, and then we were gonna go out for a bite to eat"

"No drinks involved?" My dad asks sternly

"No sir" I promise "I told her that I can't drink"

"You sure?" My mom asks

"I think so?" I ask "you know Hanna."

"We do" my mom sighs "Just don't drink and drive?"

"Can I stay the night?" I ask

"Course you can"


Both my mom and dad say at the same time looking at each other laughing

"Yes or no?" I laugh as I toss my books into the bag zipping it closed

"Yes" They both agree

"Okay, I'll text you when I get there"

"Okay love you sweetie" My mom says as I lean down giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Don't forget about tomorrow" my dad sternly says

I rack my brain trying to think what the hell my parents are talking about and it dawns on me

"Leah's baby shower?"

"Good boy" my mom praises as she hands me a bag of cookies "It's at eight thirty okay?"

"Alright I'll be there" I nod as I shove the cookies into my bag sliding my phone into my back pocket "I'll see you later. Love you two"

I head down the hall and my youngest sister, Daisy comes running down towards me

"Jayce" she whines as she holds up her hand showing me a cut "I hurt myself"

"What did you do?" I ask my protective brother side coming out

"I squished it between the door" she cries as she throws her arms around my leg

"Let's get you cleaned up" I reply as I pick her up walking to the bathroom with her.

She sniffles as I set her down on the counter grabbing some cream asked a band aid.

"This cream will only soothe okay?" I ask I put some onto my finger gently rubbing it on her finger.

She scrunches her nose and I chuckle as I put the bandaid on

"There you go" I smile as I put her onto the floor walking out the door

"Can you kiss it better?" She begs as she holds up her finger to me. Her pale blue eyes look up at me and I know I can't say no to her.

"Okay" I kiss her finger and she giggles as she runs away from me down the hall

"I love you" she squeals as he runs into Ali laughing as the two topple over. I get to my truck and open the door sliding into the drivers seat. Not even ten minutes later I get to Hanna's place and knock on the door. The door opens and Hanna's younger sister jumps at me. Kenzie is the third youngest Gray, at fourteen

"Jayce" she grins "Why haven't you been around?"

"I've been busy" I laugh as I shut the door "carrying her down the hall Everyone in Hanna and my family knew that Kenzie had the tiniest ... scratch that ... had the biggest crush on me. The door to Hanna's room opens and she rolls her eyes

"Kenz" she scolds "let the poor feller go"

"But" she starts

"He's gay" Hanna laughs "you of all people know that"

"He might not be" she mutters as she stomps off down the hall. I laugh as the door slams shut to her room and Hanna drags me into her room

''I got the booze" she grins as she shuts her door locking it

"I can't drink" I groan as I sit down on her beanbag

"Sure you can" she grins "It's vodka"

I groan. Hanna knew I was an alcoholic, not really but I drank enough for her to think I was one. And she very well knew that vodka was my weakness

"Fuck I hate you" I whine as I take the bottle taking a long swig of it. She smirks at me as she produces another bottle from under her bed

"Let's do never have I ever" she grins as she opens her bottle

"Sure" I shrug as I get comfortable on my beanbag

"Great! I'll go first" she squeals clapping her hands together ''never have I ever snuck out to see an older guy, and then got caught by his mother"

"Really?" I ask as I fill the shot glass drinking the liquid. "You want to play that way? Never have I ever had a threesome with two other girls"

"Jayce" she whines "you promised me we'd never talk about that"

"Drink up buttercup" I smirk "you wanted to play?"

She glares at me as she takes a drink

"Fine! Fine! Let's do this" she replies "Never have I ever done the deed with another guy on the kitchen table"

"Might have done it on your bed" I snort as I give out a cheer downing the drink.

"No" she says as she stares at me wide eyed

I shrug smirking at her.

"You fucking disgust me" she snorts

Neglected // BXBNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ