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   After school I tried to go straight home, but after the bell rang Derek caught up with me.

  "why are you in such a rush?"

  I wish he knew so he wouldn't question me on why I don't really talk to him and why I don't have any friends. Why I CAN'T do anything on the weekends or over the summer.

  "I have to be home to cool dinner before my step dad gets home from work." That's all I could tell him. I can't give him any hints yo what's going on. I can't even show him my bruises.

   But I can't, if I did and David found out he would kill me. He'll make me regret ever talking, no LOOKING at Derek! He'll make me wish I was never born.

  "why doesn't your mom cook?" When he said that I wanted to cry. Run home and cry my eyes out.

  "m-my m-mom di-ied almost.... a... year ago." I could feel my eyes start to water and a tear roll down my face.

  "I'm so sorry Ashley." He stepped in to give me a hug. No matter how bad I wanted his ripped, muscular body rapped around my tiny fragile body, I couldn't. I stepped back and he relaxed I don't want pity.

  "look I really need to get home. I'll see you around." I walked away before he could blink.

   California isn't as pretty as you are in the movies. Everybody driving all the time non-stop. So walking home is a but crazy.



  I turned around and had relized it was Derek."hey wants a ride the rest of the way home?" I thought it was some guy wanting to rape me or something.

   "no thanks almost home anyways."

   I kept walking, if it wasn't for David I would of gotten a ride, I would of taken his hug. Hell I could be talking to him, maybe even date him. But David would know everything and beat the shit out of me.

  I have a free bruise from him already. He makes me feel like a whore everywhere. I can't be a normal girl. I can't go to the beach and tan. I can't wear shorts and crop tops. No I have to be the slut in school, the girl who lost get virginity to her step dad because she was raped. I have to be the girl that no one likes because she wears jackets all the time, that cover her face and arms. I have to be the girl who wears sweat pants and jeans in 100° weather.

I can't and won't ever get to be normal.



Right when I make it up stairs to my bedroom, I hear David pull in the drive way, and today he wasn't alone. GREAT.

   He had 2 girls and a guy walking behind him. I came down stairs in what u wore to school. Still covering my body and bruises and marks all over my body.

   "Hey Ashley  I hope u don't mind I brought company."  Honestly I like this side of David he's nice and calm.

  "its fine, if I knew I would of cleaned up a little. sorry for being rude I'm David's step daughter Ashley."I introduced my self to the 2 women and the guy was looking around like he was looking for something out of the ordinary.

   "wow David I don't see why you haven't told us about your daughter she's perfect, and drop dead gorgeous." one of the girls said and the other agreed with her.

    David looked at me and starred.

   "yeah she sure is gorgeous, she reminds me of her mother. she cooks cleans, looks walks talk just like her mother used too."

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