Chapter 17- Life of the Party

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes I seriously do feel like your boy toy." He whispered against my lips with a smirk.

"Get used to it." I breathed, going back to kissing him with all I had.


The next morning was ten times worse than the one before.

My head was pounding like I had a major hangover, and my entire body was stiff and sore. As I looked down at my body, I noticed that there were a couple pinkish splotches across my skin where Conner had handled me a bit to roughly. I was only wearing a bra and underwear to cover me, and the rest of my exposed skin was sticky with dry sweat.

With my head pounding, I untangled myself from Conner. Even fast asleep, he was still gorgeous. He was only wearing a pair of boxers, his broad chest and shoulders exposed. He started to stir as I got up, and his drowsy green eyes cracked open.

He stretched, before sitting up to look at me. He smiled at me happily, not once moving his gaze below my face. "Mornin."

I gave him a weak smile, feeling my headache start to grow as light leaked in through my curtains. I started to move to the bathroom to take a shower, but as soon as I took a step there was sharp pain in my stomach.

"You okay?" Conner asked me from behind, noticing my stop and crouch over slightly.

There was another sharp pain in my side, and it took all my energy to run to the bathroom and crouch over the toilet before I puked.

Conner was by my side in an instant, holding back my hair and rubbing my back soothingly in all his half-naked glory.

The rank smell flooded my nose, causing me to puke again. Conner's hand started to move more urgently on my bare back, and I knew that he was probably getting more worried.

When I was finally done Conner helped me sit back up, before turning me around and cradling me tightly to his chest. My head was pounding so hard that it felt as if it might burst from inside my skull. My stomach was churning wildly, empty from my recently losing my dinner.

"You okay?" He asked, his warm chest vibrating beneath my cheek as he spoke.

I nodded, not daring myself to speak quite yet.

"Are you sure? We can just stay home a day if you're not feeling well-"

I shook my head. "No." I croaked, making my throat burn slightly. "I'm fine. It's probably just a bug or something."

"Wait." His eyes narrowed. He held me out at arms length, looking at me suspiciously. "Has this happened before?"

"Yesterday, but I'm pretty sure that it was just Stanton's cooking." I assured him.

He didn't look too convinced, but didn't stop me as I headed to the shower.


"Hey Se- Oh wow you look like hell."

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, stepping out of Conner's car grudgingly. "Thanks for the sunshine Lilly."

"Nope, she's right." Alex said, looking at me closely. "Did you even sleep last night?"

Before I could think up of a plausible lie, Tom ran up to us excitedly. "Hey guys! You're all coming to our party tonight, right?" I couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be directing the question towards Lilly.

"Definitely." Lilly replied, blushing slightly.

"I'm in." Alex agreed.

"Selena." Conner glanced at me anxiously. "You still feeling up to it? We can just sit this one out if you want."

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