Chapter 1

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The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of my alarm clock going off. I quickly switched it off, not wanting it's noise to wake my roommate up, who must have come while I was sleeping. I couldn't see much of her face but I did notice that she had a pale complexion and light brown hair while were covering her face. She was much different from my tan complexion , black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. I decided to stop observing her as a creep and get ready for the day seeing as classes will not be starting today.
I brushed my teeth in the sink of the small attached bathroom and took a quick shower. After drying myself of I put on the comfortable and beautiful indo-  western outfit I picked out to for today(pic of the outfit given above). I don't like to apply make up unless I am going to a party so I just applied a thin coat of lip balm in my lips and decided to leave my hair open. " interesting outfit" a voice from behind said, starting me. I turned around to find my roommate standing their, eying the dhoti style blue bottoms I was wearing.
" I have never seen anyone wearing such type of outfit before but it looks nice on you" she continued. She looked up and said " sorry for scaring you. Let me introduce myself first, I am Lily Williams and as you must have guessed by now, your roommate."  all the while giving me a friendly smile.
"Hi Lily. Thanks for the compliment. I am Ahana, Ahana Sharma." I said, returning the friendly smile. " and yeah, this is an indo- western outfit which is common in India so you must have not seen it before."
"So you're Indian? I have never had an indian friend before" Lily said, sounding exited. I laughed at her excitement.
" where are you going anyways?" She asked.
" I was thinking of exploring the college and also grab some breakfast so I don't get lost when classes start tomorrow. You coming?" I questioned.
She looked at the time which was 7:30 am and said " they serve breakfast at 8:00  give me few minutes and then we will be ready to go" with that said, she went in the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later we exited the dorm room. I have to say, I was impressed. I had thought she would have taken longer to get ready. She was dressed in a white crop top and blue jeans.

Entering the cafeteria or canteen or whatever it was ( I don't know what they say in London but in India we use the term canteen for it), I was hit by smell of coffee. I don't have that much of a sweet tooth and also I am pure vegetarian ( not vegan) so breakfast was a great struggle.
After much thinking, I decided on some pancakes and a cup of coffee.
After both of us took our breakfast, Lily lead us to an empty table.
"This is where me and my friends usually sit. I am surprised that they aren't here already" she told me. Just then, two boys and two girls with their breakfast in their hands sat at the table with us. " I was just wondering where you guys were. Anyways guys, this is Ahana, my roommate. She is from India" lily introduced me." And Ahana these are my friends,Samantha, Sam for short", she pointed to a girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, "Daisy" a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, "Jacob" a boy with blonde hair a shade darker then daisy but with similar green eyes as her."daisy and Jacob are siblings, if you were wondering" Lily said, conforming my doubts. "And last but not the least, Max." Max was a well built boy with brunette hair and blue eyes. Now, one thing you should know about me is that I love blue eyes. Specially the shade of blue which his were. I quickly averted my gaze from his eyes before I get lost in them.
They all greeted me with friendly smiles and murmurs of hey and hi.
I returned their greetings and we all began to eat our breakfast.

Hey guys!!
So as promised, here is the first chapter. This is much longer than the previous one. I hope you enjoy it.
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